Api Design For C
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API Design for C
Author | : Martin Reddy |
Publsiher | : Elsevier |
Total Pages | : 468 |
Release | : 2011-03-14 |
Genre | : Computers |
ISBN | : 9780123850041 |
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API Design for C++ provides a comprehensive discussion of Application Programming Interface (API) development, from initial design through implementation, testing, documentation, release, versioning, maintenance, and deprecation. It is the only book that teaches the strategies of C++ API development, including interface design, versioning, scripting, and plug-in extensibility. Drawing from the author's experience on large scale, collaborative software projects, the text offers practical techniques of API design that produce robust code for the long term. It presents patterns and practices that provide real value to individual developers as well as organizations. API Design for C++ explores often overlooked issues, both technical and non-technical, contributing to successful design decisions that product high quality, robust, and long-lived APIs. It focuses on various API styles and patterns that will allow you to produce elegant and durable libraries. A discussion on testing strategies concentrates on automated API testing techniques rather than attempting to include end-user application testing techniques such as GUI testing, system testing, or manual testing. Each concept is illustrated with extensive C++ code examples, and fully functional examples and working source code for experimentation are available online. This book will be helpful to new programmers who understand the fundamentals of C++ and who want to advance their design skills, as well as to senior engineers and software architects seeking to gain new expertise to complement their existing talents. Three specific groups of readers are targeted: practicing software engineers and architects, technical managers, and students and educators. The only book that teaches the strategies of C++ API development, including design, versioning, documentation, testing, scripting, and extensibility Extensive code examples illustrate each concept, with fully functional examples and working source code for experimentation available online Covers various API styles and patterns with a focus on practical and efficient designs for large-scale long-term projects
Practical API Design
Author | : Jaroslav Tulach |
Publsiher | : Apress |
Total Pages | : 400 |
Release | : 2008-09-20 |
Genre | : Computers |
ISBN | : 9781430209744 |
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You might think more than enough design books exist in the programming world already. In fact, there are so many that it makes sense to ask why you would read yet another. Is there really a need for yet another design book? In fact, there is a greater need than ever before, and Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java Framework Architect fills that need! Teaches you how to write an API that will stand the test of time Written by the designer of the NetBeans API at Sun Technologies Based on best practices, scalability, and API design patterns
REST API Design Rulebook
Author | : Mark Masse |
Publsiher | : "O'Reilly Media, Inc." |
Total Pages | : 115 |
Release | : 2011-10-25 |
Genre | : Computers |
ISBN | : 9781449310509 |
Download REST API Design Rulebook Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle
The basic rules of REST APIs - "many nouns, few verbs, stick with HTTP" - seem easy, but that simplicity and power require discipline to work smoothly. This brief guide provides next steps for implementing complex projects on simple and extensible foundations.
API Design Patterns
Author | : JJ Geewax |
Publsiher | : Simon and Schuster |
Total Pages | : 478 |
Release | : 2021-08-17 |
Genre | : Computers |
ISBN | : 9781638350330 |
Download API Design Patterns Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle
"A concept-rich book on API design patterns. Deeply engrossing and fun to read." - Satej Sahu, Honeywell API Design Patterns lays out a set of design principles for building internal and public-facing APIs. In API Design Patterns you will learn: Guiding principles for API patterns Fundamentals of resource layout and naming Handling data types for any programming language Standard methods that ensure predictability Field masks for targeted partial updates Authentication and validation methods for secure APIs Collective operations for moving, managing, and deleting data Advanced patterns for special interactions and data transformations API Design Patterns reveals best practices for building stable, user-friendly APIs. These design patterns can be applied to solve common API problems and flexibly altered to fit specific needs. Hands-on examples and relevant cases illustrate patterns for API fundamentals, advanced functionalities, and uncommon scenarios. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the technology APIs are contracts that define how applications, services, and components communicate. API design patterns provide a shared set of best practices, specifications and standards that ensure APIs are reliable and simple for other developers. This book collects and explains the most important patterns from both the API design community and the experts at Google. About the book API Design Patterns lays out a set of principles for building internal and public-facing APIs. Google API expert JJ Geewax presents patterns that ensure your APIs are consistent, scalable, and flexible. You’ll improve the design of the most common APIs, plus discover techniques for tricky edge cases. Precise illustrations, relevant examples, and detailed scenarios make every pattern clear and easy to understand. What's inside Guiding principles for API patterns Fundamentals of resource layout and naming Advanced patterns for special interactions and data transformations A detailed case-study on building an API and adding features About the reader For developers building web and internal APIs in any language. About the author JJ Geewax is a software engineer at Google, focusing on Google Cloud Platform, API design, and real-time payment systems. He is also the author of Manning’s Google Cloud Platform in Action. Table of Contents PART 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction to APIs 2 Introduction to API design patterns PART 2 DESIGN PRINCIPLES 3 Naming 4 Resource scope and hierarchy 5 Data types and defaults PART 3 FUNDAMENTALS 6 Resource identification 7 Standard methods 8 Partial updates and retrievals 9 Custom methods 10 Long-running operations 11 Rerunnable jobs PART 4 RESOURCE RELATIONSHIPS 12 Singleton sub-resources 13 Cross references 14 Association resources 15 Add and remove custom methods 16 Polymorphism PART 5 COLLECTIVE OPERATIONS 17 Copy and move 18 Batch operations 19 Criteria-based deletion 20 Anonymous writes 21 Pagination 22 Filtering 23 Importing and exporting PART 6 SAFETY AND SECURITY 24 Versioning and compatibility 25 Soft deletion 26 Request deduplication 27 Request validation 28 Resource revisions 29 Request retrial 30 Request authentication
RESTful API Design
Author | : Matthias Biehl |
Publsiher | : API-University Press |
Total Pages | : 294 |
Release | : 2016-08-29 |
Genre | : Computers |
ISBN | : 9781514735169 |
Download RESTful API Design Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle
Looking for Best Practices for RESTful APIs? This book is for you! Why? Because this book is packed with practical experience on what works best for RESTful API Design. You want to design APIs like a Pro? Use API description languages to both design APIs and develop APIs efficiently. The book introduces the two most common API description languages RAML, OpenAPI, and Swagger. Your company cares about its customers? Learn API product management with a customer-centric design and development approach for APIs. Learn how to manage APIs as a product and how to follow an API-first approach. Build APIs your customers love! You want to manage the complete API lifecycle? An API development methodology is proposed to guide you through the lifecycle: API inception, API design, API development, API publication, API evolution, and maintenance. You want to build APIs right? This book shows best practices for REST design, such as the correct use of resources, URIs, representations, content types, data formats, parameters, HTTP status codes, and HTTP methods. Your APIs connect to legacy systems? The book shows best practices for connecting APIs to existing backend systems. Your APIs connect to a mesh of microservices? The book shows the principles for designing APIs for scalable, autonomous microservices. You expect lots of traffic on your API? The book shows you how to achieve high performance, availability and maintainability. You want to build APIs that last for decades? We study API versioning, API evolution, backward- and forward-compatibility and show API design patterns for versioning. The API-University Series is a modular series of books on API-related topics. Each book focuses on a particular API topic, so you can select the topics within APIs, which are relevant for you.
Modern C Design
Author | : Andrei Alexandrescu |
Publsiher | : Addison-Wesley Professional |
Total Pages | : 352 |
Release | : 2001 |
Genre | : Computers |
ISBN | : 0201704315 |
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This title documents a convergence of programming techniques - generic programming, template metaprogramming, object-oriented programming and design patterns. It describes the C++ techniques used in generic programming and implements a number of industrial strength components.
RESTful Web APIs
Author | : Leonard Richardson,Mike Amundsen,Sam Ruby |
Publsiher | : "O'Reilly Media, Inc." |
Total Pages | : 464 |
Release | : 2013-09-12 |
Genre | : Computers |
ISBN | : 9781449359737 |
Download RESTful Web APIs Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle
The popularity of REST in recent years has led to tremendous growth in almost-RESTful APIs that don’t include many of the architecture’s benefits. With this practical guide, you’ll learn what it takes to design usable REST APIs that evolve over time. By focusing on solutions that cross a variety of domains, this book shows you how to create powerful and secure applications, using the tools designed for the world’s most successful distributed computing system: the World Wide Web. You’ll explore the concepts behind REST, learn different strategies for creating hypermedia-based APIs, and then put everything together with a step-by-step guide to designing a RESTful Web API. Examine API design strategies, including the collection pattern and pure hypermedia Understand how hypermedia ties representations together into a coherent API Discover how XMDP and ALPS profile formats can help you meet the Web API "semantic challenge" Learn close to two-dozen standardized hypermedia data formats Apply best practices for using HTTP in API implementations Create Web APIs with the JSON-LD standard and other the Linked Data approaches Understand the CoAP protocol for using REST in embedded systems
Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI
Author | : Josh Ponelat,Lukas Rosenstock |
Publsiher | : Simon and Schuster |
Total Pages | : 422 |
Release | : 2022-07-19 |
Genre | : Computers |
ISBN | : 9781638352273 |
Download Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle
Follow real-world API projects from concept to production, and learn hands-on how to describe and design APIs using OpenAPI. In Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI you will learn how to: Understand OpenAPI syntax and structure Use Swagger and other tooling to create OpenAPI definitions Design authentication and authorization Turn an OpenAPI description into online documentation Automate processes and generating code Iterate an API design with user stories Build a frontend against a mock server Generate backend code with Swagger Codegen Versioning an API and dodging breaking changes Work with cross-functional teams Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI is a comprehensive guide to designing and describing your first RESTful API using the most widely adopted standards. Following expert instruction from Swagger core contributor Josh Ponelat and API consultant Lukas Rosenstock, you’ll spend each chapter progressively expanding the kind of APIs you’ll want to build in the real world. You’ll utilize OpenAPI and Swagger to help automate your workflow, and free up your time to work on more exciting features. Learn the syntax and structure of OpenAPI definitions, create and iterate on an API design with common tools, and release your API to the public. About the technology Create web APIs that customers and developers will love! Using Swagger, a collection of tools for defining and documenting REST APIs, you will build safe, controlled access to your software. And because Swagger implements the vendor-neutral OpenAPI specification, you’ll be building to the same standards adopted by Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. About the book Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI introduces a design-first approach. Written for developers new to API design, it follows the lifecycle of an API project from concept to production. You’ll explore the dos and don’ts of APIs through progressively complete examples. You’ll get hands-on experience designing APIs for specific business needs, using open source tools to generate documentation, and building developer-friendly components like mocks and client SDKs. What's inside OpenAPI syntax and structure Using Swagger to create OpenAPI definitions Automating processes and generating code Working with cross-functional teams About the reader For web developers. No prior knowledge of Swagger or OpenAPI required. About the author Josh Ponelat is the Swagger Open Source lead at SmartBear. Lukas Rosenstock is an independent software developer and API consultant.