Earth s Magnetosphere

Earth s Magnetosphere
Author: Walter Heikkila
Publsiher: Elsevier
Total Pages: 535
Release: 2011-08-13
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780080931654

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The author argues that, after five decades of debate about the interactive of solar wind with the magnetosphere, it is time to get back to basics. Starting with Newton's law, this book also examines Maxwell's equations and subsidiary equations such as continuity, constitutive relations and the Lorentz transformation; Helmholtz' theorem, and Poynting's theorem, among other methods for understanding this interaction. Includes chapters on prompt particle acceleration to high energies, plasma transfer event, and the low latitude boundary layer More than 200 figures illustrate the text Includes a color insert

Earth s Magnetosphere

Earth s Magnetosphere
Author: Wayne Keith,Walter Heikkila
Publsiher: Academic Press
Total Pages: 642
Release: 2020-11-24
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780128181614

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Earth's Magnetosphere: Formed by the Low Latitude Boundary Layer, Second Edition, provides a fully updated overview of both historical and current data related to the magnetosphere and how it is formed. With a focus on experimental data and space missions, the book goes in depth relating space physics to the Earth’s magnetosphere and its interaction with the solar wind. Starting with Newton’s law, this book also examines Maxwell’s equations and subsidiary equations such as continuity, constitutive relations and the Lorentz transformation, Helmholtz’ theorem, and Poynting’s theorem, among other methods for understanding this interaction. This new edition of Earth’s Magnetosphere is updated with information on such topics as 3D reconnection, space weather implications, recent missions such as MMS, ionosphere outflow and coupling, and the inner magnetosphere. With the addition of end-of-chapter problems as well, this book is an excellent foundational reference for geophysicists, space physicists, plasma physicists, and graduate students alike. Offers an historical perspective of early magnetospheric research, combined with progress up to the present Describes observations from various spacecraft in a variety of regions, with explanations and discussions of each Includes chapters on prompt particle acceleration to high energies, plasma transfer event, and the low latitude boundary layer

Multiscale Processes in the Earth s Magnetosphere From Interball to Cluster

Multiscale Processes in the Earth s Magnetosphere  From Interball to Cluster
Author: Jean-Andre Sauvaud,Zdenek Nemecek
Publsiher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 335
Release: 2006-05-07
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9781402027680

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The past forty years of space research have seen a substantial improvement in our understanding of the Earth’s magnetosphere and its coupling with the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic ?eld (IMF). The magnetospheric str- ture has been mapped and major processes determining this structure have been de?ned. However, the picture obtained is too often static. We know how the magnetosphere forms via the interaction of the solar wind and IMF with the Earth’s magnetic ?eld. We can describe the steady state for various upstream conditions but do not really understand the dynamic processes leading from one state to another. The main dif?culty is that the magnetosphere is a comp- cated system with many time constants ranging from fractions of a second to days and the system rarely attains a steady state. Two decades ago, it became clear that further progress would require multi-point measurements. Since then, two multi-spacecraft missions have been launched — INTERBALL in 1995/96 and CLUSTER II in 2000. The objectives of these missions d- fered but were complementary: While CLUSTER is adapted to meso-scale processes, INTERBALL observed larger spatial and temporal scales. However, the number of papers taking advantage of both missions simul- neously is rather small.

Cold Ion Populations and Cold Electron Populations in the Earth s Magnetosphere and Their Impact on the System 2nd edition

Cold Ion Populations and Cold Electron Populations in the Earth   s Magnetosphere and Their Impact on the System  2nd edition
Author: Joseph E. Borovsky,Gian Luca Delzano,Elena Kronberg ,Cecilia Norgen
Publsiher: Frontiers Media SA
Total Pages: 223
Release: 2023-05-11
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9782832522493

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Cold-ion populations and cold-electron populations are extremely difficult to measure in the Earth’s magnetosphere, and their properties, evolutions, and controlling factors are poorly understood. They are sometimes referred to as the “hidden populations”. But they are known to have multiple impacts on the behavior of the global magnetospheric system. These impacts include (a) the reduction of the dayside reconnection rate and consequently the reduction of solar-wind/magnetosphere coupling, (b) alteration of the growth rate and saturation amplitudes of plasma waves resulting in alterations of the energization rates of the radiation belts, (c) changes in plasma-wave properties resulting in changes in the loss rates of the ring current and radiation belts, (d) changes in the mass density of the magnetosphere resulting in changes in the radial diffusion of the radiation belts, (e) spatial and temporal structuring of the aurora, (f) altering magnetotail reconnection, (g) changing spacecraft charging, and (h) acting as sources for warm and hot magnetospheric populations. A recent workshop on the cold-particle populations of the magnetosphere inspired new work on the outstanding problems caused by a lack of understanding of those cold populations. This Research Topic will collect reports of that new work and will stimulate the formation of author teams to write review articles on what is known and what needs to be known. Commentaries assessing the present situation and guiding the research field into the future will be solicited from the community. Methods articles describing new measurement techniques and new spaceflight mission concepts will be welcomed.

Understanding the Causes of Asymmetries in Earth s Magnetosphere Ionosphere System

Understanding the Causes of Asymmetries in Earth s Magnetosphere Ionosphere System
Author: Denny Oliveira,Daniel Welling,Hyomin Kim,Christine Gabrielse,Jone Peter Reistad,Karl Laundal
Publsiher: Frontiers Media SA
Total Pages: 178
Release: 2023-04-25
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9782832521472

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Space Physics and Aeronomy Magnetospheres in the Solar System

Space Physics and Aeronomy  Magnetospheres in the Solar System
Author: Romain Maggiolo,Nicolas André,Hiroshi Hasegawa,Daniel T. Welling
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 61
Release: 2021-05-04
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9781119507529

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An overview of current knowledge and future research directions in magnetospheric physics In the six decades since the term 'magnetosphere' was first introduced, much has been theorized and discovered about the magnetized space surrounding each of the bodies in our solar system. Each magnetosphere is unique yet behaves according to universal physical processes. Magnetospheres in the Solar System brings together contributions from experimentalists, theoreticians, and numerical modelers to present an overview of diverse magnetospheres, from the mini-magnetospheres of Mercury to the giant planetary magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. Volume highlights include: Concise history of magnetospheres, basic principles, and equations Overview of the fundamental processes that govern magnetospheric physics Tools and techniques used to investigate magnetospheric processes Special focus on Earth’s magnetosphere and its dynamics Coverage of planetary magnetic fields and magnetospheres throughout the solar system Identification of future research directions in magnetospheric physics The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals. Find out more about the Space Physics and Aeronomy collection in this Q&A with the Editors in Chief


Author: Frederick W. Menk,Colin L. Waters
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 409
Release: 2013-07-26
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9783527652075

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Written by a researcher at the forefront of the field, this first comprehensive account of magnetoseismology conveys the physics behind these movements and waves, and explains how to detect and investigate them. Along the way, it describes the principles as applied to remote sensing of near-Earth space and related remote sensing techniques, while also comparing and intercalibrating magnetoseismology with other techniques. The example applications include advanced data analysis techniques that may find wider used in areas ranging from geophysics to medical imaging, and remote sensing using radar systems that are of relevance to defense surveillance systems. As a result, the book not only reviews the status quo, but also anticipates new developments. With many figures and illustrations, some in full color, plus additional computational codes for analysis and evaluation. Aimed at graduate readers, the text assumes knowledge of electromagnetism and physical processes at degree level, but introductory chapters will provide an overview of the relevant plasma physics and magnetospheric physics. The book will thus be of interest to entry-level and established researchers in physics of the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere, as well as to students, academics and scientifically literate laypersons with an interest in understanding space weather processes and how these relate to the dynamic behavior of near-Earth space.

Earth s Magnetospheric Processes

Earth   s Magnetospheric Processes
Author: Billy McCormac
Publsiher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 418
Release: 2012-12-06
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9789401028967

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This book contains the lectures presented at the Summer Advanced Institute and Ninth ESRO Summer School which was held in Cortina, Italy, during the period August 30 through September 10, 1971. One hundred seventy-nine persons from eight een different countries attended. The authors and the publisher have made a special effort for rapid publication of an up-to-date status of the particles, fields, and processes in the earth's magnetosphere, which is an ever changing area. Special thanks are due to the lecturers for their diligent preparation and excellent presentations. The individual lectures and the published papers were deliberately limited; the author's cooperation in conforming to these specifications is greatly appreciated. The contents of the book are organized by sub ject area rather than in the order in which papers were presented during the Institute/ School. Many thanks are due to Drs J. Ronald Burrows, James W. Dungey, Harry Elliot, Roger Gendrin, Edward W. Hones, Jr. , Reimar Liist, and J. Ortner who served as session chairmen during the Institute and contributed greatly to its success by skill fully directing the discussion period in a stimulating manner after each lecture. Many persons contributed to the success of the Institute/School. The co-chairman, Dr Reimar Liist, was most helpful during all phases of the preparation and planning. Drs J. Ronald Burrows, Harry Elliot, Carl-Gunne Fiilthammar, M. Giorgi, J. Ortner, J. R. U. Page, Alois Schardt, James A. Van Allen, and Martin Walt were especially helpful in preparing the technical program.