Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Author: Emil F. Coccaro,Michael S. McCloskey
Publsiher: Academic Press
Total Pages: 274
Release: 2019-06-24
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 9780128138588

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Intermittent Explosive Disorder: Etiology, Assessment, and Treatment provides a complete overview on this disorder, focusing on its etiology, how the disorder presents, and the clinical assessment and treatment methods currently available. The book presents the history of the disorder, discusses the rationale for its inclusion in the DSM, and includes diagnostic considerations, comorbidity, epidemiology, intervention, and how treatments have evolved. Each section is bolstered by clinical case material that provides real-world context and clinical lessons on how to distinguish intermittent explosive disorder from other presentations of aggression. Synthesizes the current knowledge on the etiology, assessment and treatment of intermittent explosive disorder Covers epidemiology and future directions Discusses cross-cultural differences in anger expression and how this impacts diagnosis Explores age-related and developmental considerations in diagnosis and expression Assesses pharmacological, psychosocial, and combined treatment therapies

Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Author: Emil F. Coccaro,Michael S. McCloskey
Publsiher: Academic Press
Total Pages: 272
Release: 2019-06-12
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 9780128138595

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Intermittent Explosive Disorder: Etiology, Assessment, and Treatment provides a complete overview on this disorder, focusing on its etiology, how the disorder presents, and the clinical assessment and treatment methods currently available. The book presents the history of the disorder, discusses the rationale for its inclusion in the DSM, and includes diagnostic considerations, comorbidity, epidemiology, intervention, and how treatments have evolved. Each section is bolstered by clinical case material that provides real-world context and clinical lessons on how to distinguish intermittent explosive disorder from other presentations of aggression. Synthesizes the current knowledge on the etiology, assessment and treatment of intermittent explosive disorder Covers epidemiology and future directions Discusses cross-cultural differences in anger expression and how this impacts diagnosis Explores age-related and developmental considerations in diagnosis and expression Assesses pharmacological, psychosocial, and combined treatment therapies

The Wiley Handbook of Disruptive and Impulse Control Disorders

The Wiley Handbook of Disruptive and Impulse Control Disorders
Author: John E. Lochman,Walter Matthys
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 560
Release: 2017-10-23
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 9781119092162

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The definitive reference to the policies and practices for treating disruptive and impulse-control disorders, edited by renowned experts The Wiley Handbook of Disruptive and Impulse-Control Disorders offers a comprehensive overview that integrates the most recent and important scholarship and research on disruptive and impulse-control disorders in children and adolescents. Each of the chapters includes a summary of the most relevant research and knowledge on the topic and identifies the implications of the findings along with important next directions for research. Designed to be practical in application, the text explores the applied real-world value of the accumulated research findings, and the authors include policy implications and recommendations. The Handbook address the nature and definition of the disorders, the risk factors associated with the development and maintenance of this cluster of disorders, assessment processes, as well as the evidence-based treatment and prevention practices. The volume incorporates information from the ICD-11, a newly revised classification system, along with the recently published DSM-5. This important resource: Contains a definitive survey that integrates the most recent and important research and scholarship on disruptive and impulse-control disorders in children and adolescents Emphasizes the applied real-world value of the accumulated research findings Explores the policy implications and recommendations to encourage evidence-based practice Examines the nature and definition, risk factors, assessment, and evidence-based practice; risk factors are subdivided into child, family, peer group and broader context Considers changes, advances and controversies associated with new and revised diagnostic categories Written for clinicians and professionals in the field, The Wiley Handbook of Disruptive and Impulse-Control Disorders offers an up-to-date review of the most authoritative scholarship and research on disruptive and impulse-control disorders in children and adolescents as well as offering recommendations for practice.

Gabbard s Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders

Gabbard s Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders
Author: Glen O. Gabbard
Publsiher: American Psychiatric Pub
Total Pages: 1250
Release: 2014-05-05
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9781585625406

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The definitive treatment textbook in psychiatry, this fifth edition of Gabbard's Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders has been thoroughly restructured to reflect the new DSM-5® categories, preserving its value as a state-of-the-art resource and increasing its utility in the field. The editors have produced a volume that is both comprehensive and concise, meeting the needs of clinicians who prefer a single, user-friendly volume. In the service of brevity, the book focuses on treatment over diagnostic considerations, and addresses both empirically-validated treatments and accumulated clinical wisdom where research is lacking. Noteworthy features include the following: Content is organized according to DSM-5® categories to make for rapid retrieval of relevant treatment information for the busy clinician. Outcome studies and expert opinion are presented in an accessible way to help the clinician know what treatment to use for which disorder, and how to tailor the treatment to the patient. Content is restricted to the major psychiatric conditions seen in clinical practice while leaving out less common conditions and those that have limited outcome research related to the disorder, resulting in a more streamlined and affordable text. Chapters are meticulously referenced and include dozens of tables, figures, and other illustrative features that enhance comprehension and recall. An authoritative resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric nurses, and an outstanding reference for students in the mental health professions, Gabbard's Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders, Fifth Edition, will prove indispensable to clinicians seeking to provide excellent care while transitioning to a DSM-5® world.

The Oxford Handbook of Impulse Control Disorders

The Oxford Handbook of Impulse Control Disorders
Author: Jon E. Grant,Marc N. Potenza
Publsiher: Oxford University Press
Total Pages: 592
Release: 2012
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 9780195389715

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Research in the area of impulse control disorders has expanded exponentially. The Oxford Handbook of Impulse Control Disorders provides researchers and clinicians with a clear understanding of the developmental, biological, and phenomenological features of a range of impulse control disorders, as well as detailed approaches to their treatment.


Author: Ronald Potter-Efron,Ronald T. Potter-Efron
Total Pages: 258
Release: 2010-03
Genre: Self-Help
ISBN: 9781458769565

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This new book from anger expert Potter-Efron offers powerful, emergency help to anyone whose extreme and volatile rages cause him or her to lose control of emotions, behaviors, and even conscious awareness--causing sometimes irreparable emotional and physical harm to themselves, their loved ones, and, occasionally, to innocent by-standers....


Author: Emil F. Coccaro, M.D.,Michael S. McCloskey, Ph.D.
Publsiher: American Psychiatric Pub
Total Pages: 374
Release: 2018-12-27
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9781615371532

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Edited by two of the authors of the DSM-5 research diagnostic criteria for intermittent explosive disorder (IED), Aggression: Clinical Features and Treatment Across the Diagnostic Spectrum provides mental health clinicians with a full understanding of both primary aggression and aggression as it manifests in other psychiatric disorders. A basic human drive, aggression was once adaptive, enabling our ancestors to compete for resources and protect themselves, their families, and their affiliative groups. However, advances in civilization have rendered aggression an ineffective, even counter-productive, strategy, and acting on violent impulses--verbal and physical--causes suffering in both the aggressor and the subject of aggression. The contributors, preeminent researchers and clinicians specializing in this important area, explore the forms and types of aggression and its possible causative factors (such as psychobiological abnormalities involving neurochemistry and neural circuits, genetics, epigenetics, and environment), as well as assessment, clinical approaches, and treatments (both psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological). Case vignettes help the reader to understand and contextualize the presented information in a clinically relevant fashion. Based on the latest research, Aggression: Clinical Features and Treatment Across the Diagnostic Spectrum is designed to aid mental health practitioners in identifying and treating aggression in diverse patient presentations.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM 5

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders  DSM 5
Author: American Psychiatric Association
Publsiher: American Psychiatric Publishing
Total Pages: 135
Release: 2021-09-24
Genre: Electronic Book
ISBN: 1955245185

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