Modeling Operation and Analysis of DC Grids

Modeling  Operation  and Analysis of DC Grids
Author: Alejandro Garces
Publsiher: Academic Press
Total Pages: 388
Release: 2021-07-01
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780128221020

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Modeling, Operation, and Analysis of DC Grids presents a unified vision of direct current grids with their core analysis techniques, uniting power electronics, power systems, and multiple scales of applications. Part one presents high power applications such as HVDC transmission for wind energy, faults and protections in HVDC lines, stability analysis and inertia emulation. The second part addresses current applications in low voltage such as microgrids, power trains and aircraft applications. All chapters are self-contained with numerical and experimental analysis. Provides a unified, coherent presentation of DC grid analysis based on modern research in power systems, power electronics, microgrids and MT-HVDC transmission Covers multiple scales of applications in one location, addressing DC grids in electric vehicles, microgrids, DC distribution, multi-terminal HVDC transmission and supergrids Supported by a unified set of MATLAB and Simulink test systems designed for application scenarios

Multi terminal Direct Current Grids

Multi terminal Direct Current Grids
Author: Nilanjan Chaudhuri,Balarko Chaudhuri,Rajat Majumder,Amirnaser Yazdani
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 289
Release: 2014-09-09
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 9781118960530

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A generic DC grid model that is compatible with the standard AC system stability model is presented and used to analyse the interaction between the DC grid and the host AC systems. A multi-terminal DC (MTDC) grid interconnecting multiple AC systems and offshore energy sources (e.g. wind farms) across the nations and continents would allow effective sharing of intermittent renewable resources and open market operation for secure and cost-effective supply of electricity. However, such DC grids are unprecedented with no operational experience. Despite lots of discussions and specific visions for setting up such MTDC grids particularly in Europe, none has yet been realized in practice due to two major technical barriers: Lack of proper understanding about the interaction between a MTDC grid and the surrounding AC systems. Commercial unavailability of efficient DC side fault current interruption technology for conventional voltage sourced converter systems This book addresses the first issue in details by presenting a comprehensive modeling, analysis and control design framework. Possible methodologies for autonomous power sharing and exchange of frequency support across a MTDC grid and their impact on overall stability is covered. An overview of the state-of-the-art, challenges and on-going research and development initiatives for DC side fault current interruption is also presented.


Author: Josep M. Guerrero,Ritu Kandari
Publsiher: Academic Press
Total Pages: 270
Release: 2021-10-21
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780323854641

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Microgrids: Modeling, Control, and Applications presents a systematic elaboration of different types of microgrids, with a particular focus on new trends and applications. The book includes sections on AC, DC and hybrid AC/DC microgrids and reflects state-of-the-art developments, covering theory, algorithms, simulations, error and uncertainty analysis, as well as novel applications of new control techniques. Offering a valuable resource for students and researchers working on the integration of renewable energy with existing grid and control of microgrids, this book combines recent advances and ongoing research into a single informative resource. The book highlights recent findings while also analyzing modelling and control, thus making it a solid reference for researchers as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students. Covers different types of microgrids and their architecture and control in a single book Includes original, state-of-the-art research contributions by international experts Features global case studies for better understanding and real-life examples

Dynamic Modeling Stability Analysis and Controller Design for DC Distribution Systems

Dynamic Modeling  Stability Analysis  and Controller Design for DC Distribution Systems
Author: Reza Ahmadi
Publsiher: Unknown
Total Pages: 154
Release: 2013
Genre: Electric current converters
ISBN: OCLC:870650441

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"The dc distribution systems or dc microgrids are known to be best suited for integration of renewable energy sources into the current power grid and are considered to be the key enabling technology for the development of future smart grid. Dc microgrids also benefit from better current capabilities of dc power lines, better short circuit protection, and transformer-less conversion of voltage levels, which result in higher efficiency, flexibility, and lower cost. While the idea of using a dc microgrid to interface distributed energy sources and modern loads to the power grid seems appealing at first, several issues must be addressed before this idea can be implemented fully. The configuration, stability, protection, economic operation, active management, and control of future dc microgrids are among the topics of interest for many researchers. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the dynamic behavior and stability of a future dc microgrid and to introduce new controller design techniques for the Line Regulating Converters (LRC) in a dc distribution system. Paper I is devoted to dynamic modeling of power converters in a dc distribution system. The terminal characteristics of tightly regulated power converters which are an important factor for stability analysis and controller design are modeled in this paper. Paper II derives the simplified model of a dc distribution system and employs the model for analyzing stability of the system. Paper III introduces two controller design methods for stabilizing the operation of the LRC in presence of downstream constant power loads in a dc distribution system. Paper IV builds upon paper III and introduces another controller design method which uses an external feedback loop between converters to improve performance and stability of the dc grid."--Abstract, page iv.

High Voltage Direct Current Transmission

High Voltage Direct Current Transmission
Author: Dragan Jovcic
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 565
Release: 2019-08-26
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 9781119566540

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Presents the latest developments in switchgear and DC/DC converters for DC grids, and includes substantially expanded material on MMC HVDC This newly updated edition covers all HVDC transmission technologies including Line Commutated Converter (LCC) HVDC; Voltage Source Converter (VSC) HVDC, and the latest VSC HVDC based on Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC), as well as the principles of building DC transmission grids. Featuring new material throughout, High Voltage Direct Current Transmission: Converters, Systems and DC Grids, 2nd Edition offers several new chapters/sections including one on the newest MMC converters. It also provides extended coverage of switchgear, DC grid protection and DC/DC converters following the latest developments on the market and in research projects. All three HVDC technologies are studied in a wide range of topics, including: the basic converter operating principles; calculation of losses; system modelling, including dynamic modelling; system control; HVDC protection, including AC and DC fault studies; and integration with AC systems and fundamental frequency analysis. The text includes: A chapter dedicated to hybrid and mechanical DC circuit breakers Half bridge and full bridge MMC: modelling, control, start-up and fault management A chapter dedicated to unbalanced operation and control of MMC HVDC The advancement of protection methods for DC grids Wideband and high-order modeling of DC cables Novel treatment of topics not found in similar books, including SimPowerSystems models and examples for all HVDC topologies hosted by the 1st edition companion site. High Voltage Direct Current Transmission: Converters, Systems and DC Grids, 2nd Edition serves as an ideal textbook for a graduate-level course or a professional development course.

Integration of High Voltage AC DC Grids into Modern Power Systems

Integration of High Voltage AC DC Grids into Modern Power Systems
Author: Fazel Mohammadi
Publsiher: MDPI
Total Pages: 140
Release: 2020-12-10
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 9783039365258

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Electric power transmission relies on AC and DC grids. The extensive integration of conventional and nonconventional energy sources and power converters into power grids has resulted in a demand for high voltage (HV), extra-high voltage (EHV), and ultra-high voltage (UHV) AC/DC transmission grids in modern power systems. To ensure the security, adequacy, and reliable operation of power systems, the practical aspects of interconnecting HV, EHV, and UHV AC/DC grids into the electric power systems, along with their economic and environmental impacts, should be considered. The stability analysis for the planning and operation of HV, EHV, and UHV AC/DC grids in power systems is regarded as another key issue in modern power systems. Moreover, interactions between power converters and other power electronics devices (e.g., FACTS devices) installed on the network are other aspects of power systems that must be addressed. This Special Issue aims to investigate the integration of HV, EHV, and UHV AC/DC grids into modern power systems by analyzing their control, operation, protection, dynamics, planning, reliability, and security, along with considering power quality improvement, market operations, power conversion, cybersecurity, supervisory and monitoring, diagnostics, and prognostics systems.


Author: Enrique Acha,Pedro Roncero-Sánchez,Antonio de la Villa-Jaen,Luis M. Castro,Behzad Kazemtabrizi
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 414
Release: 2019-08-05
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 9781119973980

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An authoritative reference on the new generation of VSC-FACTS and VSC-HVDC systems and their applicability within current and future power systems VSC-FACTS-HVDC and PMU: Analysis, Modelling and Simulation in Power Grids provides comprehensive coverage of VSC-FACTS and VSC-HVDC systems within the context of high-voltage Smart Grids modelling and simulation. Readers are presented with an examination of the advanced computer modelling of the VSC-FACTS and VSC-HVDC systems for steady-state, optimal solutions, state estimation and transient stability analyses, including numerous case studies for the reader to gain hands-on experience in the use of models and concepts. Key features: Wide-ranging treatment of the VSC achieved by assessing basic operating principles, topology structures, control algorithms and utility-level applications. Detailed advanced models of VSC-FACTS and VSC-HVDC equipment, suitable for a wide range of power network-wide studies, such as power flows, optimal power flows, state estimation and dynamic simulations. Contains numerous case studies and practical examples, including cases of multi-terminal VSC-HVDC systems. Includes a companion website featuring MATLAB software and Power System Computer Aided Design (PSCAD) scripts which are provided to enable the reader to gain hands-on experience. Detailed coverage of electromagnetic transient studies of VSC-FACTS and VSC-HVDC systems using the de-facto industry standard PSCAD/EMTDC simulation package. An essential guide for utility engineers, academics, and research students as well as industry managers, engineers in equipment design and manufacturing, and consultants.

Medium Voltage Direct Current Grid

Medium Voltage Direct Current Grid
Author: M. M. Eissa
Publsiher: Academic Press
Total Pages: 232
Release: 2019-05-03
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780128145616

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Medium Voltage Direct Current Grid is the first comprehensive reference to provide advanced methods and best practices with case studies to Medium Voltage Direct Current Grid (MVDC) for Resilience Operation, Protection and Control. It also provides technical details to tackle emerging challenges, and discuss knowledge and best practices about Modeling and Operation, Energy management of MVDC grid, MVDC Grid Protection, Power quality management of MVDC grid, Power quality analysis and control methods, AC/DC, DC/DC modular power converter, Renewable energy applications and Energy storage technologies. In addition, includes support to end users to integrate their systems to smart grid. Covers advanced methods and global case studies for reference Provides technical details and best practices for the individual modeling and operation of MVDC systems Includes guidance to tackle emerging challenges and support users in integrating their systems to smart grids