Encyclopedia of Giftedness Creativity and Talent

Encyclopedia of Giftedness  Creativity  and Talent
Author: Barbara Kerr
Publsiher: SAGE
Total Pages: 1113
Release: 2009-06-17
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 9781412949712

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The three-volume Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent presents state-of-the-art research and ready-to-use facts from the fields of education, psychology, sociology, and the arts.

Handbook of Giftedness in Children

Handbook of Giftedness in Children
Author: Steven I. Pfeiffer
Publsiher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 420
Release: 2008-03-06
Genre: Education
ISBN: 9780387743998

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In one comprehensive resource, this superb handbook covers everything you need to know about the subject. It brings together leading experts from the fields of psychology and education, combining theory and applied empirical research on such crucial topics as conceptualization, types of intelligence, developmental considerations, and ethical and legal concerns. Particular attention is given to social and family contexts, and evidence-based strategies and interventions offer solid guidelines on assessment, curriculum design, and encouraging and nurturing talent – from preschool through adolescence.

Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education

Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education
Author: Jonathan A. Plucker,Carolyn M. Callahan
Publsiher: Routledge
Total Pages: 592
Release: 2021-09-03
Genre: Education
ISBN: 9781000491449

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Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education is the definitive reference for a summary and evaluation of the literature on giftedness, gifted education, and talent development. This third edition: Presents more than 40 summaries of important topics in the field. Features updates to all topics. Introduces new topics, including neuroscience and the roles of leaders in the field. Dives into the latest research. Explores how the research applies to gifted education and the lives of gifted learners. This book also provides an objective assessment of the available knowledge on each topic, offers guidance in the application of the research, and suggests areas of needed research.

Your Rainforest Mind A Guide to the Well Being of Gifted Adults and Youth

Your Rainforest Mind  A Guide to the Well Being of Gifted Adults and Youth
Author: Paula Prober
Publsiher: Editeurs divers USA
Total Pages: 194
Release: 2016-06-20
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 0692713107

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Do you long to drive a Ferrari at top speed on the open road, but find yourself always stuck on the freeway during rush hour? Do you wonder how you can feel like "not enough" and "too much" at the same time? Like the rain forest, are you sometimes intense, multilayered, colorful, creative, overwhelming, highly sensitive, complex, and/or idealistic? And, like the rain forest, have you met too many chainsaws?Enter Paula Prober, M.S., M.Ed., who understands the diversity and complexity of minds like yours. In "Your Rainforest Mind: A Guide to the Well-Being of Gifted Youths and Adults," Paula explores the challenges faced by gifted adults of all ages. Through case studies and extensive research, Paula will help you tap into your inner creativity, find peace, and discover the limitless potential that comes with your Rainforest Mind.

Essentials of Gifted Assessment

Essentials of Gifted Assessment
Author: Steven I. Pfeiffer
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 192
Release: 2015-03-11
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 9781118873168

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An Up-to-Date Overview of the Theory and Practice Underlying Gifted Assessment Essentials of Gifted Assessment introduces readers to the theory and practice underlying gifted assessment. Steven Pfeiffer, a leading expert in the field of gifted assessment, discusses what it means to be gifted, why we should identify gifted students, and the purposes of gifted assessment. Well-organized and engaging, the book examines key principles of gifted assessment and provides an up-to-date overview of gifted assessment measures. Topics include the use of local norms, measuring creativity and motivation, nonverbal measures, the importance of recurring gifted assessment, multi-potentiality, gifted testing and minority group students, and evaluating the twice-exceptional student. Early identification and intervention greatly benefits gifted students, who may otherwise never realize their full potential. Throughout the book, Pfeiffer equips school psychologists with the tools they need to: Identify and assess uniquely bright and talented students Integrate multiple assessment measures including intelligence, cognitive ability, and achievement tests Assess gifted students with coexisting disabilities and disorders Promote the abilities of gifted students using evidence-based strategies The book also includes extensive illustrative material, such as callout boxes and case examples, that facilitate use as a quick reference, plus end-of-chapter "Test Yourself" questions that help reinforce key concepts. Essentials of Gifted Assessment helps new and seasoned school psychologists and other professionals acquire the skills and knowledge needed for ethical, evidence-based, and informed clinical practice with high-ability students.

The Physics of the Mind and Brain Disorders

The Physics of the Mind and Brain Disorders
Author: Ioan Opris,Manuel F. Casanova
Publsiher: Springer
Total Pages: 782
Release: 2017-12-01
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9783319296746

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This book covers recent advances in the understanding of brain structure, function and disorders based on the fundamental principles of physics. It covers a broad range of physical phenomena occurring in the brain circuits for perception, cognition, emotion and action, representing the building blocks of the mind. It provides novel insights into the devastating brain disorders of the mind such as schizophrenia, dementia, autism, aging or addictions, as well as into the new devices for brain repair. The book is aimed at basic researchers in the fields of neuroscience, physics, biophysics and clinicians in the fields of neurology, neurosurgery, psychology, psychiatry.

Teaching and Counseling Gifted Girls

Teaching and Counseling Gifted Girls
Author: Susan K. Johnsen,James Kendrick
Total Pages: 194
Release: 2005
Genre: Educational equalization
ISBN: 9781593631697

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Teaching and Counseling Gifted Girls covers some of the most important issues facing gifted and talented girls during their school years, from elementary school through college. General overviews of the internal and external barriers faced by gifted girls provide the context for more specific chapters on counseling and classroom strategies t

Handbook for Counselors Serving Students With Gifts and Talents

Handbook for Counselors Serving Students With Gifts and Talents
Author: Tracy L. Cross,Jennifer Riedl Cross
Publsiher: Routledge
Total Pages: 721
Release: 2021-09-30
Genre: Education
ISBN: 9781000493238

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The second edition of Handbook for Counselors Serving Students With Gifts and Talents provides the definitive overview of research on the general knowledge that has been amassed regarding the psychology of gifted students. This book: Introduces the reader to the varied conceptions of giftedness. Covers issues specific to gifted children and various intervention methods. Describes programs designed to fulfill the need these children have for challenge. Is updated and expanded, addressing contemporary issues. Reflects the latest research on giftedness. With chapters authored by leading experts in the field, Handbook for Counselors Serving Students With Gifts and Talents is a resource professionals can turn to for answers to a wide variety of questions about gifted children.