Practical Diabetes Care for Canadian Health Care Professionals

Practical Diabetes Care for Canadian Health Care Professionals
Author: Sora Ludwig
Publsiher: Elsevier Canada
Total Pages: 96
Release: 2014
Genre: Diabetes
ISBN: 1771720166

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Providing Diabetes Care in General Practice

Providing Diabetes Care in General Practice
Author: Mary MacKinnon
Publsiher: Class Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 368
Release: 2002
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 1859590489

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A fully revised and updated guide to running a high-quality, effective diabetes service within a practice. It contains all the essential information needed to set up and organize healthcare for people with diabetes in a primary care setting in accordance with DoH requirements. Tasks are allocated to each member of the team including clear guidelines for sharing responsibility with the hospital based services.

Practical Diabetes Care

Practical Diabetes Care
Author: David Levy
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 290
Release: 2004-01-11
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 9781444391145

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This new and completely revised third edition is a concise, systematic and highly practical guide to the care of patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Clinically and problem-based, it covers emergency, inpatient and ambulatory diabetes care in the hospital and community, focusing particularly on difficult, grey and contentious areas of management, and seeks to guide advanced practitioners through problems that are not always emphasised. Up to date clinical trial results have been incorporated, as well as concise discussions of lifestyle approaches to diabetes management, and it includes a new chapter on psychological problems in diabetes. It is now fully referenced with PubMed PMID numbers and all HbA1c measurements are quoted in DCCT and IFCC units. It will be valuable for foundation year and specialist trainees in general medicine, diabetes and endocrinology; community and hospital diabetes specialist nurses and nurse practitioners; hospital-based ward staff in specialist and non-diabetes-specialist departments, especially cardiology and emergency medicine; and general practice diabetes leads and general practitioners with a specialist diabetes interest. It will be equally valuable for hands-on reference use in the clinical situation, and for clinicians in hospital medicine and general practice studying for postgraduate diplomas and examinations.

Diabetes Care

Diabetes Care
Author: Rowan Hillson
Publsiher: Oxford University Press, USA
Total Pages: 497
Release: 2015
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 9780198705635

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Written in a friendly, easy-to-read way, with summaries for quick reference and detailed information when needed, this book is aimed at health care professionals in primary, community and secondary care, helping experienced staff update their knowledge, and acting as a quick guide for those new to diabetes.

Providing Diabetes Care in General Practice

Providing Diabetes Care in General Practice
Author: Gwen Hall
Publsiher: Class Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 449
Release: 2007
Genre: Diabetes
ISBN: 9781859591543

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This practical handbook, now in its fifth edition, addresses how to provide health care for people with diabetes in the primary care setting. It includes education checklists, sample letters for patient recall and templates for patient record cards.

Staged Diabetes Management

Staged Diabetes Management
Author: Roger Mazze,Ellie S. Strock,Gregg D. Simonson,Richard M. Bergenstal
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 451
Release: 2007-01-11
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9780470061718

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Using evidence-based medicine, this title addresses theprominent issues of primary care diabetes management. It providespractical solutions to the detection and treatment of diabetes, itscomplications and such new areas as metabolic syndrome,pre-diabetes and diabetes in children. The text reviews thefundamental basis of diabetes management and then addressestreatment of each type of diabetes and the major micro- andmacrovascular complications. This Revised Second Edition uniquely focuses on advancedtechnologies and advanced therapeutics. Key changes include:Integration of incretin hormones in the basic pathophysiologyof type 2 diabetes; Incretin mimetics andpotentiators; Revised clinical decision paths with newmedications and advanced insulin algorithms; New section oncontinuous glucose monitoring. Staged Diabetes Management: A Systematic Approach, SecondEdition, Revised presents a clear set of clinicalalgorithms consistent with the EASD/ADA recommended algorithms. Itprovides a means of applying the principles using a provenmethodology and one that has been applied internationally. Based on the highly successful diabetes programmes for primarycare developed by the world-renowned International Diabetes Centerin Minneapolis, USA Features Decision Paths and Practice Guidelines to facilitateclinical decision making Clearly written and illustrated: each chapter may be read alonebut complements the others to give a broad view of diabetescare This title is an invaluable guide for healthcare professionals,particularly primary care physicians, diabetes specialist nurses,and for all those with an interest in diabetes. It is alsouseful for all Diabetes educators and medical students.

Care of People with Diabetes

Care of People with Diabetes
Author: Trisha Dunning,Alan J. Sinclair
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 1006
Release: 2020-01-23
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9781119520870

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Now in its fifth edition, Care of People with Diabetes is a comprehensive clinical manual for nurses, healthcare professionals and students alike, providing an extensive summary of the most up-to-date knowledge in a rapidly developing field, as well as the role of education and self-care in achieving desirable outcomes. Covering both the theory and evidence-based practice of diabetes care, this authoritative volume integrates traditional thinking and innovative concepts to challenge readers to ‘think outside the box’ when rendering care. New and updated content on the pathophysiology of diabetes and the implications for management, how to apply guideline recommendations in practice, and contemporary evidence for best practice diabetes care Highlights personalised care and shared, evidence-based decision-making, emphasising the need for effective communication to reduce judgmental language and the negative effect it has on wellbeing and outcomes Written by internationally recognised experts in diabetes care, research and education Includes a range of learning features, such as practice questions, key learning points, diagrams, and further reading suggestions Care of People with Diabetes is an essential companion to clinical practice for both trainee and experienced nurses and healthcare professionals, particularly those in acute care settings, and students undertaking diabetes courses or preparing for qualification exams.

Practical Diabetes Care for Healthcare Professionals

Practical Diabetes Care for Healthcare Professionals
Author: Sora Ludwig
Publsiher: Elsevier
Total Pages: 196
Release: 2021-04-17
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9780128200834

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Practical Diabetes Care for Healthcare Professionals, Second Edition, helps healthcare professionals get up-to-speed on type 2 diabetes care. Type 2 diabetes is multifaceted, affecting a person’s daily life, family and workplace. Beyond the usual health impact, diabetes may also carry significant psychological burdens. Successful care means whole [person] care which can be daunting for an individual healthcare provider. The complete assessment of people with diabetes must include a review of diabetes medications, blood glucose levels, nutritional intake, physical activity, and stress. Also important is a review of possible micro- and macrovascular complications. This practical guide translates research and evidence-based recommendations into everyday clinical practice, with the goal of helping all members of the healthcare team more effectively manage their diabetic patients. Provides detailed, real-life case scenarios that illustrate the principles outlined in each chapter Includes separate chapters for specific diabetes-related complications Devotes a new chapter to the concept of the Diabetes Health Care Team and its impact on diabetes care Expands on the importance of lifestyle approaches, including a key discussion on the emotional aspects of managing a long-term chronic disease Provides a comprehensive, yet succinct, review of diabetes that includes details on medication choice, dosages, advancements and technological accomplishments