Epicurus in 60 Minutes

Epicurus in 60 Minutes
Author: Walther Ziegler
Publsiher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 114
Release: 2022-11-03
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 9783756864638

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The philosopher Epicurus (341-270 BC) has been controversial since antiquity. His provocative key idea is of compelling simplicity. Every human being possesses, by nature, an internal compass. In order to be happy he must do what causes him pleasure and joy and avoid what causes him unpleasure and harm. He writes: "Pleasure is the starting point and goal of living blessedly [...] (It is) our first innate good, and [...] our starting point for every choice and avoidance." Already newborns follow this "pleasure principle". But this discovery, which might at first seem so obvious, struck Epicurus's contemporaries as a monstrous provocation. The notion that the highest goal of life is enjoying pleasure stands in stark contrast to the then-established teachings of Plato, Aristotle and the Stoics. These latter saw reason and a life lived by reason as the highest goal of Man. Because Epicurus accepted women into his school and even had a love affair with one of them, his contemporaries called him a "glutton" and "sex fiend". The Greek poet Timon described him as "doggish", the Stoic Epictetus as a "wastrel". Christian authors later even called him the Antichrist. But these critiques are fundamentally false, because beyond a superficial striving for pleasure, Epicurus's deeper concern was a lifelong, painstaking "care of the self". His questions, then, remain burningly relevant. What are the basic human needs whose satisfaction yields a happy life? Which needs are really necessary to life and which not? How, concretely, should we deal with these needs: for example with the need for food, drink, sexual intercourse and friendship? The book contains almost a hundred quotes from this charismatic ancient philosopher. It appears as part of the beloved series "Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes" which has now been translated worldwide into six languages.

Great Thinkers in 60 minutes Volume 3

Great Thinkers in 60 minutes   Volume 3
Author: Walther Ziegler
Publsiher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 606
Release: 2023-01-11
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 9783756872022

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"Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes Volume 3" comprises the five books "Confucius in 60 Minutes", "Buddha in 60 Minutes", "Epicurus in 60 Minutes", "Descartes in 60 Minutes", and "Hobbes in 60 Minutes". Each short study sums up the key idea at the heart of each respective thinker and asks the question: "Of what use is this key idea to us today?" But above all the philosophers get to speak for themselves. Their most important statements are prominently presented, as direct quotations, in speech balloons with appropriate graphics, with exact indication of the source of each quote in the author's works. This light-hearted but nonetheless scholarly precise rendering of the ideas of each thinker makes it easy for the reader to acquaint him- or herself with the great questions of our lives. Because every philosopher who has achieved global fame has posed the "question of meaning": what is it that holds, at the most essential level, the world together? For Confucius it is the search for the Dao, for the right path that leads us human beings to one another. For the Buddha it is a radical liberation from our needs and the approach, through meditation, to Nirvana. For Epicurus, by contrast, the meaning of life consists in the letting-be of our pleasures and the imbeddedness of existence in our bodies. Descartes, for his part, considers thinking to be the decisive quality of Man, allowing him to explore and master the world. Hobbes, finally, sees the central element of meaning to consist in humans' peaceful coexistence thanks to the founding of states, i.e. in a political act. In other words, the meaning of the world and thus of our own lives remains, among philosophers, a topic of great controversy. One thing, though, is sure: each of these five thinkers struck, from his own perspective, one brilliant spark out of that complex crystal that is the truth.

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes Volume 5

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes   Volume 5
Author: Walther Ziegler
Publsiher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 614
Release: 2023-01-12
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 9783756872053

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"Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes Volume 5" comprises the five books "Adorno in 60 Minutes", "Habermas in 60 Minutes", "Foucault in 60 Minutes", "Rawls in 60 Minutes", and "Popper in 60 Minutes". Each short study sums up the key idea at the heart of each respective thinker and asks the question: "Of what use is this key idea to us today?" But above all the philosophers get to speak for themselves. Their most important statements are prominently presented, as direct quotations, in speech balloons with appropriate graphics, with exact indication of the source of each quote in the author's works. This light-hearted but nonetheless scholarly precise rendering of the ideas of each thinker makes it easy for the reader to acquaint him- or herself with the great questions of our lives. Because every philosopher who has achieved global fame has posed the "question of meaning": what is it that holds, at the most essential level, the world together? For Adorno it is the dialectical development of civilization from the Stone Age up to capitalism along with the alienation of Man from Nature that goes with it. Habermas, by contrast, sees in this historical process of development the chance to gradually improve society through the emancipatory power of language in communicative action. Foucault remains sceptical here and reveals to us the rigid structures in which we, as modern individuals, are trapped. Rawls develops a complex and compelling procedure for the creation of an ideally just state of affairs. Popper, finally, establishes a quite new theory of science whereby every scientific truth has only a provisional character so that it must eventually be relieved and replaced by better truths. In other words, the meaning of the world and thus of our own lives remains, among philosophers, a topic of great controversy. One thing, though, is sure: each of these five thinkers struck, from his own perspective, one brilliant spark out of that complex crystal that is the truth.

Descartes in 60 Minutes

Descartes in 60 Minutes
Author: Walther Ziegler
Publsiher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 136
Release: 2022-09-08
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 9783756823741

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The French thinker René Descartes is one of the best-known philosophers in the world. His brief dictum "I think, therefore I am" has become part of all humanity's cultural heritage. Just as Columbus discovered an unknown continent, the so-called "New World", Descartes succeeded in opening up a new dimension of knowledge and altering our view of reality. Prior to Descartes, people in the Christian West believed, for over a thousand years, in the Bible as testimony to God's revealed truth. Then came Descartes with the radical demand that knowledge had from then on to rely on a basis of absolute certainty: "It was always my most earnest desire to learn to distinguish the true from the false". He posed the fundamental question: how does one arrive at sure and certain knowledge? On what can I really rely? On what I see and hear? On thought and logic? Or perhaps on what I have learned from my earliest childhood on? His radical answer runs: on nothing at all! We must doubt absolutely everything! In his famous Meditations on First Philosophy Descartes describes his search for this absolutely certain knowledge. The result he arrives at: I can doubt anything and everything but in the moment of my doubting I cannot doubt that there is an "I" that thinks and doubts: "I think, therefore I am". Is thinking really the human trait that decides everything about us? Is there really nothing in the world except "thinking" within us and thoughtless, soulless bodies outside of us? Is it science's task to subjugate matter, plants and animals and even the human body itself? Descartes does more than just lay the ground for modern science. In a sense, his thought has become our destiny, both for good and for bad. The book appears as part of the well-loved series Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes which has now been translated worldwide into six languages.

Kafka in 60 Minutes

Kafka in 60 Minutes
Author: Walther Ziegler
Publsiher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 158
Release: 2022-08-31
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 9783756846108

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Kafka is surely the most widely read, worldwide, of all German-language authors. We owe to him not just a compelling part of the global literary heritage but also a profound philosophical discovery. He has succeeded in grasping like no other writer the radical dependency, for his very being, of Man upon Man: "(We) are tied together by ropes," writes Kafka, "and it's bad enough when the ropes around an individual loosen and he drops somewhat lower than the others into empty space; ghastly when the ropes break and he falls." His stories allow us profound insight into the abysmal depths of interpersonal relations and into their fundamental structure: an insight from which no one can turn away. Even if in our actual lives we do not find ourselves turned into a giant beetle or suddenly condemned to drowning by our own father, we somehow feel, as readers, the force of these excommunications. Kafka was fully aware of the cathartic effect of his books: "A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us". Here, Kafka's philosophical truth is revealed using five selected short stories, novellas and novels from his body of work. What does his protagonists' fate consist in? On what do they always founder and fail? Is there some recurrent or constant reason for this failure? How is it that we seem to recognize all this so well from our dreams or even our real experiences? Could it be that Kafka provides us, in the end, with a key to the understanding of the basic structure of interpersonal relations? The book contains over a hundred quotations from Kafka's best-known works. It appears as part of the popular series "Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes".

Foucault in 60 Minutes

Foucault in 60 Minutes
Author: Walther Ziegler
Publsiher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 154
Release: 2021-03-08
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 9783753422688

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Foucault counts as one of the great Post-Structuralists. Already his book-titles -"History of Madness", "Discipline and Punish", "The Use of Pleasure", "The Order of Things" - show his entirely new way of looking at things. He is also one of those philosophers who have become more, not less, influential after their death. This should both please and worry us. It is pleasing that Foucault's key ideas have remained so vital and relevant but worrying also because the main one among these ideas is so disturbing. "Man is erased, like a face drawn in the sand": With this thesis of "the end of Man", Foucault does not mean that we are about to die out as a species, for example through climate change. He means only that Man as we have hitherto known him, as a free, self-determined being spontaneously enjoying his own pleasures, is vanishing. This "Man" is being dissolved into the discourses and structures of our "carceral society", in indeed just the way that a face drawn in the sand is dissolved by the incoming tide. In the 18th century there was invented a new circular prison which allowed the warder to observe all the prisoners from a single central point. This feeling of being always observed has, Foucault argues, become the model for our whole society. But Foucault shows us, besides the origin of the structures of our coercive society, also a certain model for a modern "art of living". What does this model look like? Is it still possible at all to break out, as a true individual, from this "coercive society"? Is Foucault right to universalize his "prison paradigm" and say that we all feel constantly observed? Of the disturbing present relevance of his thoughts, in any case, there can be no doubt. The most important of these thoughts are explained here using over 100 key quotes. The book appears as part of the popular series "Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes".

Kant in 60 Minutes

Kant in 60 Minutes
Author: Walther Ziegler
Publsiher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 150
Release: 2016-07-08
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 9783741226373

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Immanuel Kant is thought to be perhaps the greatest of all philosophers. And Kant did make, in the 18th Century, two great discoveries which engage us still today. Firstly, he founded the globally acknowledged ‘categorical imperative’ in moral philosophy; secondly, he became the first philosopher to succeed in answering that question as old as humanity of how knowledge arises in our brains. In his main work, the 1000-page Critique of Pure Reason, Kant analysed the working of Man’s thinking apparatus. He posed the critical question: what can a human being know with certainty and what can he not? Working through this titanic question like a man possessed, he finally, after 11 years, produced his equally titanic answer. Our reason, he said, can provide true and certain knowledge only of that which we have already perceived through our five senses (i.e. seen, heard, smelt, tasted, or touched). For this reason one cannot prove the existence of God, say, or really have “knowledge” of Him, because He is bodiless and imperceptible. Kant thus gave researchers, for the first time, a set of logical tools which was sensationally simple and yet quite perfect, and that still remains valid today and makes all scientific results achieved worldwide mutually comparable. Every theory, however good, had thenceforth to be proven in terms of actual sense-perceptions, for example through repeatable experiments. In his second main work, the Critique of Practical Reason, he tackled the equally ambitious question: ‘what is the right way for a human being to act?’ Is there a single valid standard for morally right action? Here too Kant provided a spectacular solution that is still passionately debated, globally, today. The book Kant in 60 Minutes explains both these major works of Kant’s in a lively way, using over 80 key passages from the works themselves and many examples. The final chapter on “what use Kant’s discovery is for us today” shows the enormous importance of his ideas for our personal lives and our society. The book forms part of the popular series Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes.

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes Volume 1

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes   Volume 1
Author: Walther Ziegler
Publsiher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 570
Release: 2017-03-09
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 9783741241451

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"Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes Volume 1" comprises the five books, already published as separate volumes, "Plato in 60 Minutes", "Rousseau in 60 Minutes", "Smith in 60 Minutes", "Kant in 60 Minutes", and "Hegel in 60 Minutes". Each short study sums up the key idea at the heart of each respective thinker and asks the question: "Of what use is this key idea to us today?" But above all the philosophers get to speak for themselves. Their most important statements are prominently presented, as direct quotations, in speech balloons with appropriate graphics, with exact indication of the source of each quote in the author's works. This light-hearted but nonetheless scholarly precise rendering of the ideas of each thinker makes it easy for the reader to acquaint him- or herself with the great questions of our lives. Because every philosopher who has achieved global fame has posed the "question of meaning": what is it that holds, at the most essential level, the world together? There have emerged here a range of very different answers. In Plato, for example, the "Idea of the Good" is that to which we need to open our souls; in Rousseau, it is rather only in our own original nature that we need to trust; in Adam Smith, it is in self-interest, which spurs on each individual and is finally transformed, by an "invisible hand", into the common good; in Kant it is the application of Reason which frees us and makes us capable of extraordinary moral actions; and in Hegel, finally, everything is held together by the dialectical self-development of the World-Spirit, which drives onward from epoch to epoch through the deeds of individuals and of nations until it has finally reached its great goal. In other words, the meaning of the world and thus of our own lives remains, among philosophers, a topic of great controversy. One thing, though, is sure: each of these five thinkers struck, from his own perspective, one brilliant spark out of that complex crystal that is the truth.