Origin of the Nephilim In Mesopotamia

Origin of the Nephilim In Mesopotamia
Author: Faruq Zamani
Total Pages: 174
Release: 2022-04-27
Genre: History
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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The Anunnaki in the Epic of Gilgamesh compared to the Nephilim Flood Narrative? Scholars have long debated whether the Anunnaki in the Epic of Gilgamesh is the same beings as the Nephilim of Genesis 6. there is a direct connection between these two groups of entities which sheds light on this critical question. One of the biggest problems with interpreting certain parts of ancient texts, such as the Book of Genesis, and other writings, can be traced back to an almost fanatical obsession. Many have treated all such writings as purely historical documents rather than trying to understand them within their proper cultural context. We run into all kinds of challenges because we deal with stories initially intended to be read or listened to for entertainment or some religious significance rather than for their scientific or historical accuracy. This does not mean that these narratives have no value in terms of what they can teach us about ancient societies but means that scholars need to approach them from different perspectives if they wish to make any progress when it comes time for interpretation. Was Noah’s flood an actual event? “The Epic of Gilgamesh,” written in ancient Akkadian and Babylonian, is an epic poem discovered on 12 clay tablets. It tells the story of Gilgamesh, a demigod king who seeks to find immortality after being grieved by the death of his companion Enkidu. The hero travels across the world and meets Utnapishtim, the survivor of a great flood sent by the gods to destroy humankind. After hearing about Utnapishtim’s story and lessons, Gilgamesh returns home to his city empty-handed. The lineage between these two stories is undeniable. The entire account found in “The Epic of Gilgamesh” reads like a precursor to Noah’s flood narrative in Genesis 6-9. Both are similar: In both accounts, there were warriors from a godly race who descended from Heaven to take wives from among human women (Genesis 6:2; “Gilgamesh XI”). Both stories feature identical names for their heroes: Utnapishtim and Noah (Gilgamesh XI; Genesis 9:29). Furthermore, both heroes received divine instructions for constructing arks to save all air-breathing life on Earth from an imminent cataclysmic flood (Gilgamesh XI; Genesis 6:14).

Origin of the Nephilim In Mesopotamia

Origin of the Nephilim In Mesopotamia
Author: Faruq Zamani
Publsiher: Dttv Publications
Total Pages: 118
Release: 2022-04-18
Genre: History
ISBN: 9798201226534

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The Anunnaki in the Epic of Gilgamesh compared to the Nephilim Flood Narrative? Scholars have long debated whether the Anunnaki in the Epic of Gilgamesh is the same beings as the Nephilim of Genesis 6. there is a direct connection between these two groups of entities which sheds light on this critical question. One of the biggest problems with interpreting certain parts of ancient texts, such as the Book of Genesis, and other writings, can be traced back to an almost fanatical obsession. Many have treated all such writings as purely historical documents rather than trying to understand them within their proper cultural context. We run into all kinds of challenges because we deal with stories initially intended to be read or listened to for entertainment or some religious significance rather than for their scientific or historical accuracy. This does not mean that these narratives have no value in terms of what they can teach us about ancient societies but means that scholars need to approach them from different perspectives if they wish to make any progress when it comes time for interpretation. Was Noah's flood an actual event? "The Epic of Gilgamesh," written in ancient Akkadian and Babylonian, is an epic poem discovered on 12 clay tablets. It tells the story of Gilgamesh, a demigod king who seeks to find immortality after being grieved by the death of his companion Enkidu. The hero travels across the world and meets Utnapishtim, the survivor of a great flood sent by the gods to destroy humankind. After hearing about Utnapishtim's story and lessons, Gilgamesh returns home to his city empty-handed. The lineage between these two stories is undeniable. The entire account found in "The Epic of Gilgamesh" reads like a precursor to Noah's flood narrative in Genesis 6-9. Both are similar: In both accounts, there were warriors from a godly race who descended from Heaven to take wives from among human women (Genesis 6:2; "Gilgamesh XI"). Both stories feature identical names for their heroes: Utnapishtim and Noah (Gilgamesh XI; Genesis 9:29). Furthermore, both heroes received divine instructions for constructing arks to save all air-breathing life on Earth from an imminent cataclysmic flood (Gilgamesh XI; Genesis 6:14). The legendary kings of Uruk Gilgamesh, who ruled the capital of Uruk around 2800 BC, is arguably one of the most famous and vital figures in ancient Mesopotamian mythology. He was thought to be a two-thirds god and one-third man, making him a demigod--half-human and half-divine. Gilgamesh was a mighty warrior whose prowess in combat inspired fear throughout Mesopotamia. He slew lions barehanded and killed ferocious beasts with ease. Many myths about him describe his adventures as king of Uruk, but the most famous stories about Gilgamesh are those found in The Epic of Gilgamesh--the earliest known epic poem that dates to approximately 2100-2000 B.C.

Gods and Giants

Gods and Giants
Total Pages: 289
Release: 2024
Genre: History
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Giants and Gods is an in-depth exploration of two fascinating and mysterious groups of beings that have captured the imagination of people for millennia: the Biblical Nephilim and the Apkallu deities of Mesopotamia. This book delves into the history and mythology surrounding these figures, and examines their significance within both biblical and Mesopotamian narratives. In the Bible, the Nephilim are described as the offspring of angels and human women, and are believed to have been a race of giants who lived before the Great Flood. The Apkallu, on the other hand, were a group of seven divine beings in Mesopotamian mythology who were said to have been sent to earth by the god Enki to bring civilization to humanity. Throughout the book, we explore the fascinating similarities and differences between these two groups, examining the religious and cultural context in which they emerged, and the ways in which they have been interpreted over time. We examine the biblical narrative of the Nephilim in detail, including their origins, their role in the Great Flood, and their continued presence in Jewish and Christian tradition. We also delve into the rich history and mythology surrounding the Apkallu deities, examining their importance within the broader context of Mesopotamian religion and culture. We explore the various texts and artifacts that reference the Apkallu, and examine the ways in which they have been depicted in art and literature. Overall, Giants and Gods offers a fascinating journey through the ancient world, exploring the intersection of religion, mythology, and history through the lens of two mysterious and intriguing groups of beings. Whether you are a scholar of ancient history and religion, or simply someone with a deep interest in these fascinating figures, this book is sure to provide a wealth of insight and knowledge.

Sumerian Origins

Sumerian Origins
Author: Norah Romney
Total Pages: 199
Release: 2020-06-07
Genre: History
ISBN: 9798652014674

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A Mysterious Group of People came to settle in southern Mesopotamia, sometime around 5400BC. What is now the modern state of Iraq, the first city of Mesopotamia was founded named Eridu. Although historians have generally regarded this as the world’s first city, we have seen this challenged on numerous occasions by recent discoveries too numerous to mention here. Eridu had all the things we ordinarily associate with an ancient city: temples, administrative buildings, housing, agriculture, markets, art, and, of course, walls to keep out unsavoury characters.The elusive aspect is we have absolutely no idea where they acquired their language, and bizarre language it is, we have no idea what they originally looked like. Their language, which we call Sumerian, and the subsequent Akkadian derivative were linguistic isolates. Sumerian is the oldest known written language on Earth, and any languages it might have derived from or developed alongside have been lost to time. Figuring out what their baffling ethnic identity based on their art is a doomed effort, because their art was so stylized that a good case could be made that it portrays people of any ethnicity, or the people they encountered. The Sumerian language was not Semitic, and the Akkadian conquests of 2334 BCE disrupted the ethnic and cultural isolation of the Sumerian people. By about 2000 BCE, the Sumerians were speaking Akkadian and the Sumerian and Akkadian civilizations were regarded as a single enterprise.Does this mean that we’ll never know how the Sumerian language developed, or where the Sumerians originally came from? Well if any reasonably well-preserved Sumerian bones can be found DNA testing could tell us their ethnic origin. Although this all sounds murky, we have literature left in the form if cuneiform writing that speaks volumes on their day to day life and their highly unusual gods. The Sumerian pantheon reads like wild science fiction at times and although they often speak of their own origins in terms of their gods and family ties many have chosen to label this as mythology, ignore it, or merely treat it in a literature aspect.

Forbidden Theology

Forbidden Theology
Author: Miles Augustus Navarr
Publsiher: Xlibris Corporation
Total Pages: 427
Release: 2012
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9781477117521

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Over 75% of the people who live on this planet are followers of one of the three major monotheistic religions. They all consider Abraham as the father of their race and religion. They all believe in one singular, all powerful, all knowing benevolent god. The Hebrew call him Yahweh, the Christians refer to him as Father or Lord and Muslims call him Allah, and yet millions and millions of people have been murdered, maimed and tortured by the followers of this single entity to prove that their version of this single god is better than the other two versions. Sounds ridiculous, and yet sadly enough, more people have died in the name of religion than any other cause in the history of humanity. Each and every one of us at one time or another has asked or thought about such fundamental questions as, Is there a God?' Where did humans come from?' Why out of millions of species on earth, only humans reached this level of sophistication?' Is there a life after death?' Is there a purpose to life?' Why are we here?' Are the scriptures truly the words of god?' More importantly, is there any way we could find answers to such questions? The fact is, the answer to most of these questions, and many more, that we thought unanswerable, have been written down on clay tablets by our ancient ancestors who lived in Mesopotamia over 7000 years ago. These records are readily available to those who are willing to step outside the dogmatic belief system of the establishment, and are prepared, mentally and spiritually, to tolerate a totally different rendering of the oldest written historical records about mankind's origin, purpose and the truth about god, our maker. The subject matter of this book is an attempt to investigate the circumstances under which Mankind was made, and to trace the beginning and development of such concerns as the emergence of the concept of god and the formation of what later became known as religion. This is done primarily by relying on our scriptural texts, particularly the Old Testament, as well as other ancient manuscripts such as Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian Creation and Genesis epics. The first chapter begins by examining the behaviour, commands and instructions given by Yahweh to his chosen people. These commands and instructions are then evaluated and compared with basic accepted human rights standards practised and observed by almost all communities and societies, past and present. The question is then asked, "How could an entity, powerful enough to have created the entire universe, issue such cruel and sadistic commands against some of his own creations?" Furthermore, Yahweh's behaviour is decidedly pro Hebrew, and shows no regards or thought about non Hebrew masses. How could the universal god show such bias towards a tiny fraction of his creatures, with total disregard for the rest? Finally the characteristics and personalities of Yahweh is analysed by scrutinising his behaviour, actions and directives as stated in the Old Testament, before examining the god of Christianity. In investigating the role and characteristics of God in Christianity, the first thing that immediately becomes apparent is the absence of a prominent role for God the Father, as we had witnessed in Judaism. The Christians, or more specifically Saint Paul, who was the founder and designer of Christianity as we know it today, in order to distance his creation from the Hebrews and religion of Yahweh, invented a new Godhead and named him Jesus Christ (Ancient Greek: Ἰησοῦς Içsous). Born of a virgin, with powers to heal the sick, give sight to the blind and even raise the dead, who was crucified but resurrected three days later. These were all characteristics borrowed from various religions and cults prevalent at the time in the Levant, from Mithraism to the cult of Apoll

The Garden of Eden Myth

The Garden of Eden Myth
Author: Walter Mattfeld
Publsiher: Lulu.com
Total Pages: 186
Release: 2010-11-01
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9780557885305

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Scholarly proposals are presented for the pre-biblical origin in Mesopotamian myths of the Garden of Eden story. Some Liberal PhD scholars (1854-2010) embracing an Anthropological viewpoint have proposed that the Hebrews have recast earlier motifs appearing in Mesopotamian myths. Eden's garden is understood to be a recast of the gods' city-gardens in the Sumerian Edin, the floodplain of Lower Mesopotamia. It is understood that the Hebrews in the book of Genesis are refuting the Mesopotamian account of why Man was created and his relationship with his Creators (the gods and goddesses). They deny that Man is a sinner and rebel because he was made in the image of gods and goddesses who were themselves sinners and rebels, who made man to be their agricultural slave to grow and harvest their food and feed it to them in temple sacrifices thereby ending the need of the gods to toil for their food in the city-gardens of Edin in ancient Sumer.

The Role of the Sumerian Goddess

The Role of the Sumerian Goddess
Author: Faruq Zamani
Total Pages: 280
Release: 2024
Genre: History
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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The Sumerian people once inhabited the region near the Persian Gulf, known as Iraq. Greeks called this country Mesopotamia, which means the land between the rivers, as the Euphrates and Tigris, rising in Anatolia, flowed through Syria and Iraq before discharging into the Persian Gulf. 'Simurrum' is the name given to the northern region by the Semitic peoples later, like the word Sumerian, which was later used for the southern region. According to the Sumerians, their land was called Kien-gi, or 'land of the lordly En,' after the priest-king of Sumer (En). Sometime after 4000 BC, the Sumerians moved to this coastal area, but it's unclear from where they came. There is no connection between their language and any other language spoken in the region. After sailing upriver from the Persian Gulf, they migrated inland from the coastal area. On the other hand, Sumerians came from the northeast of Mesopotamia and traveled down the river to the south. 'Simurrum' could indicate that the Sumerians once lived in the northern region. The Sumerians must have encountered people who had already settled in the Persian Gulf area for a long time when they entered since a few cities had names that did not match Sumerians but were most likely derived from an unknown language. Examples include Uruk, Ešnunna, and Shuruppak. Similarly, Buranuna, the name of the Euphrates River, makes no sense in Sumerian, whereas Idigna, the name of the Tigris River, might be explained as 'the blue river. Farmers had established small settlements along these two great rivers during the fifth millennium BC. To irrigate agricultural crops, they diverted water from rivers through canals. There was little rainfall in this area, and the sun burned mercilessly during the summer months, so everyone lived entirely off floodwater from the rivers. The rivers could be dangerous, though, as the land was flat, and there was always the danger that the river would overflow its banks and change its course, inundating new areas and destroying crops and water supplies. The great rivers carried silt through the plain, forming swamps along the Persian coast. Here, the inhabitants grew cane for making little reed houses for the gods. God Enki was responsible for this domain. He brought civilization to the Sumerians and lived underground in a freshwater residence, the Abzu, located below the earth's surface but above the ocean's saltwater expanse.

Lords of Nibiru in Mesopotamia

Lords of Nibiru in Mesopotamia
Total Pages: 251
Release: 2024
Genre: History
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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The Sumerian celestial object Nibiru signified the deity Marduk. The name is of Akkadian origin and means "crossroads" or "transition point." The vast majority of Babylonian literature relates it to Jupiter. In Tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish, the pole star at the time may have been Thuban or Kochab (Ursa Minor). The term "Nibiru" is taken from 5,000-year-old Sumerian literature and cuneiform tablets. The Sumerian civilization flourished in the fertile regions between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in the southern area of modern-day Iraq. Its cuneiform symbol was often a cross or a variety of winged discs. Nibiru is often referred to as the "Planet of the Crossing." In the reconstruction of Tablet V of the Enuma Elish by Landsberger and Kinnier Wilson, the term "pole star" is rendered as "ni-bi-ri." It has several variations, such as "ni-bi-ru" and "ni-bi-a-na." Landsberger and Kinnier Wilson think it alludes to a permanent point in the skies since it is contrasted with the term itebbiru, which signifies "who previously crossed." Tablet V's referenced translation uses the phrase "polar star" despite substantial evidence that neberu was a planet in the late eras, either Jupiter or Mercury, according to the authors' remarks. According to the discoveries of ancient astronomers, Nibiru is an actual planet or brown dwarf inside our solar system. Established scientific organizations in astronomy and archaeology consider these hypotheses pseudoscience or fringe science. According to Sumerian cosmology, the twelfth planet in the solar system was Nibiru (which includes 10 planets, the Sun, and the Moon). The Earth, the asteroid belt, and the Moon would have originated due to a catastrophic collision between the planet and Tiamat, a planet between Mars and Jupiter. This was caused by a collision between one of Nibiru's host satellites and Tiamat, which created significant rifts in the Pacific Ocean's crust and left half a planet resembling modern Pangea (our present notion of all continents as one land mass). It was previously believed that such massive celestial bodies could not crash due to the magnetic field's strength. However, the discovery of the Orpheus Theory and the modeling of a collision between two Earth-sized objects have breathed fresh life into this theory.