Proclus on the teacher disciple bond of love

Proclus on the teacher disciple bond of love
Author: Proclus
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 34
Release: 2023-06-10
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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The memory of one’s father inspires the pursuit of virtue. Father “has sown the fire-laden bond of love” so that the divine lovers turn, recall, and rally around him. Perfection comes for those who love contemplating Truth. Love is the cause of dis-integration of the One, the medium between spirit and matter (i.e., upper triad and lower quaternary), and the cause of re-integration. When love meets with a bad receptacle it brings about a life that is tyrannical and intemperate in five different ways. 1. The coarse lover hangs on his darling; the true lover is self-reliant and poised. 2. The one loves the body and discards the person when the bloom of youth has withered; the other loves the soul. 3. The one is fickle and readily forsakes his darling; the other is truehearted and loyal. 4. The vulgar lover contrives all sorts of pretexts for conversation with his darling; the true lover avoids talking to his beloved, unless there is some spiritual benefit to him. 5. The one lives apart from the One; the other, is akin the One and an exemplar of divine virtue and beauty. The eyes of the common man cannot contemplate the splendour of Truth. In the ascent to the summit of divine love, the multitude of common lovers becomes an obstacle by assuming the character of the true lover and dragging down the soul of the youth from vistas on high to the dark side of this illusive plane; by charming souls they lead them away from the mysteries, say the oracles. As the good spirit attends us for the most part invisibly, bestowing unawares his forethought upon us and silently correcting our lives, so also Socrates attends the spiritual needs of his beloved Alcibiades in silence and in secret. Socrates is about to begin delivering Alcibiades, purified from vulgar lovers, by the philosophy of love. Alcibiades shall be saved by Pallas Athene, whose function is uphold the unity of life and preserve the heart intact. His soul is dual, animal and divine. Forgetfulness and ignorance of what is primarily beautiful make inferior lovers concern themselves with the kind of beauty that is implicated in matter. There are two kinds of enthusiasm, one superior to moderation, and another short of it. The former is an insufflation from without; the latter, a pernicious inflammation of the heart. The intelligibles, on account of their unutterable, undifferentiated oneness, have no need of the mediation of love; but in the separation and the reunification of beings, love is the agent and medium. As the centre of the circle is everywhere, and its circumference (that represents the hidden deity) is nowhere, so the divine heart throbs everywhere but is nowhere to be seen. People is a multitude united to itself, mob is an incoherent multitude: their relation is that of democracy versus ochlocracy. Only love can melt away alienation and warm the heart of all those who are born under the same law. We train ourselves in regard to pleasure and pain, neither fleeing from our emotions, nor remaining completely without experience of them, but assuming a middle position in their regard and overcoming our tendency to excess and disorderliness. Better help than the love of philosophy it is not easy to find, says Diotima. For chaste love is the binder of all things and their sublime guide. The living creature is the fairest of the objects of intellect. As spirit hides between god and man, so love binds the lover to the beloved. The inspired lover differs from the vulgar lover: being aligned with intellect and divine beauty, the inspired lover is stable, active, immaterial; the wanton lover, fickle, passive, material — since the object of his love is ephemeral, sensual beauty. Love is threefold: One absolute and primary, One perpetually participated, One intermittently participated.

Pearls of Inner Wisdom from a Master of Wisdom

Pearls of Inner Wisdom from a Master of Wisdom
Author: A Master of Wisdom,Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 15
Release: 2020-06-27
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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The cis-Himalayan Mahatmas are Great Souls and Masters of Wisdom; their higher individuality is en rapport with the Universal Soul. Through occult training in successive births, the hold of lower Manas weakens until the whole Manas identifies with the Universal Soul, which runs through humanity at large, and lo and behold! a new Saviour of Mankind is born. Only a pure and unexpecting soul, whose brotherly love has uplifted his Manas above the fog of separateness, can ever hope to approach the majesty of a Mahatma. Manasic perception is enlightened belief without intellectual understanding. That is the real meaning of faith, not the blind belief implied by the religious meaning of faith. The adept is the rare efflorescence of a generation of enquirers. Their three higher aspects are merged into One. A Planetary Spirit can roam the interstellar spaces in full consciousness, while continue living on earth in his original body. That is highest form of adeptship man can hope for on our planet. Only an Occultist, by analysing and experiencing sentient life in all its phases, whether on earth or beyond, whether mineral, vegetable, animal, or spiritual life, can figure out the Great Problem of Consciousness. Spirit and Matter are co-existent, inseparable, interdependent, and convertible to each other. This androgynous Force is Mind and Soul. Since motion is all-pervading and absolute rest inconceivable, under whatever form or mask may appear, whether as light, heat, magnetism, chemical affinity or elec-tricity — all these must be phases of One and the same universal omnipotent Force. Consciousness is not only transformable into other aspects or phases of the all-pervading Force, but that it can be infused into, and animate, an artificial man. The three extant centres of Occult Brotherhood, though widely separated geographically, and as widely exoterically, promulgate the same esoteric doctrine. Self is a passing guest, whose concerns are all like a mirage of the great desert. It is upon the serene and placid surface of the unruffled mind that the visions gathered from the invisible find a representation in the visible world. Nature has linked all parts of her Empire together by subtle threads of magnetic sympathy. By subduing the lower Manas and thus identifying with his higher counterpart, man can become master and ruler over blind molecular motion.

The Voice of the Silence Crown of Ethics for Disciples

The Voice of the Silence  Crown of Ethics for Disciples
Author: Three treatises from the “Book of the Golden Precepts”
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 59
Release: 2023-06-10
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Tributes by Eminent Theosophists on the Paradigm of Mahayana Buddhism. The Voice of The Silence, though it does not claim to be the utterance of a Buddha, is nevertheless akin to the sutra rather to the śāstra group of texts. . . . It seeks more to inspire than to instruct, appeals to the heart rather than to the head. To make use of De Quincey’s classification, it belongs not to the literature of information, the purpose of which is to augment knowledge, but to the literature of power, the aim of which is to move. So important is a clear understanding of the difference not merely between the kinds of effect they are calculated to produce and the organs upon which they are intended to act, that, according to The Voice of The Silence itself, the disciple at the very outset of his quest is admonished, “Learn above all to separate Head-learning from Soul-wisdom, the ‘Eye’ from the ‘Heart doctrine.’” — Bhikshu Sangarakshita All being desire liberation from misery. Seek, therefore, for the causes of misery and expunge them. By entering on the path, liberation from misery is attained. Exhort, then, all beings to enter the path. — IXth Panchen Lama Madame Blavatsky had a profound knowledge of Buddhist philosophy, and the doctrines she promulgated were those of many great teachers. This book is like a call to men to forsake desire, dispel every evil thought, and enter the true Path. — B.T .Chang The only true exposition in English of the Heart Doctrine of the Mahāyāna and its noble ideal of self-sacrifice for humanity. — Alice Leighton Cleather & Basil Crump Here is the real Mahāyāna Buddhism. — D.T. Suzuki It gave us a blazing vision of the immensity of Mahāyāna Buddhism when our knowledge so far was exclusively of the Theravada, excepting HPB’s Voice of The Silence. — Christmas Humphreys There is a verge of the mind which these things haunt; and whispers therefrom mingle with the operations of our understanding, even as the waters of the infinite ocean send their waves to break among the pebbles that lie upon our shores. . . . We recognize the passwords to the mystical region as we hear them, but we cannot use them ourselves; it alone has the keeping of “the password primeval.” — William James [Having] bathed in these I marvelled what I could have done to merit birth in an age wherein such wisdom was on offer to all who could beg, borrow or steal a copy of those works. — George W. Russell I believe that this book has strongly influenced many sincere seekers and aspirants to the wisdom and compassion of the Bodhisattva Path. — XIVth Dalai Lama. It is also one of her (H.P. Blavatsky’s) most important writings, being a guidebook for those dedicated to achieving enlightenment through altruistic service to humanity. — Boris de Zirkoff This is a work intended for the aspirant after true, or self, knowledge, aiming to play a significant part in helping mankind along its arduous evolutionary path to ultimate self-redemption and liberation. — Geoffrey A. Farthing Pledge of Kwan Yin,” the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy. Never will I seek nor perceive private individual salvation; Never will I enter into final peace alone; But forever and everywhere will I live and strive For the redemption of every creature throughout the world. — Sylvia Cranston

The mighty potency and noble aim of the progressive mind

The mighty potency and noble aim of the progressive mind
Author: A Master of Wisdom
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 13
Release: 2020-06-27
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Neither the physical nor the metaphysical Science are of interest to the true philanthropist, except in the degree of their potentiality of moral results, and in proportion of their usefulness to mankind. Nature works slowly but incessantly towards the evolution of conscious life out of inert material. Every thought passes into the inner world and, by coalescing with an elemental, it becomes an active intelligence. Thus a good thought is perpetuated as an active beneficent power; an evil one, as a maleficent demon. The Buddhist calls this impulse-seed his Skandha; the Hindu, his Karma; the Adept evolves these shapes consciously; other men throw them off unconsciously. Every form of life is sustained by countless other lives. If you offer nothing in return, you are like a thief. The building ant, the busy bee, the nest-building bird accumulate, each in their own humble way, as much cosmic energy in its potential form as a Haydn, a Plato, or a ploughman turning his furrow. They thus rob nature instead of enriching her, and will all in the degree of their intelligence find themselves accountable. Exact experimental Science has nothing to do with morality, virtue, or philanthropy. Her cold classification of facts outside man can only benefit the career of her professors. The Initiated Adept is the efflorescence of his age. Few ever appear in a single century. The cycles must run their rounds. Periods of mental and moral light and darkness succeed each other, as day does night. The major and minor yugas must be accomplished according to the established order of things. And we, borne along on the mighty tide, can only modify and direct some of its minor currents. If we had the powers of the imaginary Personal God, and the universal and immutable laws were but toys to play with, then indeed might we have created conditions that would have turned this earth into an Arcadia for lofty souls. But having to deal with an immutable Law, being ourselves its creatures, we have had to do what we could and rest thankful. Modern education enthrones scepticism and imprisons spiritualism. The boisterousness of animal passions stifles spirituality. What else could one expect of men so nearly related to the lower kingdom, from which they evolved? The era of blind faith is gone; that of enquiry is here. Enquiry that only unmasks error, without discovering anything upon which the soul can build, will but make iconoclasts. The noble aim of the progressive mind is to furnish the building blocks for a universal religious philosophy. A philosophy impregnable to scientific assault, because itself the finality of absolute science; and, a religion worthy of the name. The main aim of the Theosophical Society is to root out superstition and scepticism, and to help man shape his future. The cis-Himalayan Mahatmas will not be thwarted in their philanthropic attempts to save humanity from itself until that day when the new continent of thought is firmly established.

A worthy life is a virtuous life of noble and heroic acts

A worthy life is a virtuous life of noble and heroic acts
Author: William Quan Judge
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 18
Release: 2021-08-07
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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I am so far off the one who pointed out to me the way that must bring us, if followed, to the light and peace and power of truth. It is not membership of the Theosophical Society, or any other mystical body for that matter, that will bring us near to the Masters, but loving kindness and tender affection for suffering humanity — expressed with pure heart and unselfish mind. Doubt and despair are the bitter fruits of separateness, ruses and wiles of the lower mind to keep us back, among the mediocre of the race. “Doubt, of whatever kind, can be ended by action alone.” Duty (dharma) is the Royal Talisman. Steadfast devotion to duty is the true yoga, and infinetly better than mantrams and postures. Masters are Atma and therefore the very law of Karma itself. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. When not enlightened by the Higher Self, who alone is truly cosmopolitan, impartial, unsectarian, and pre-eminently altruistic, the good intentions of co-operative schemes are doomed to perish in the struggle of existence. They give utopia a bad name, for the personal element has a tendency to delude us as it hides behind various walls and clothes in the faults, real or imaginary, of others. It is not the cowl that makes the monk. Celibacy is not enforced either in the Theosophical Society or its inner circle any more than vegetarianism. Be that as it may, celibacy, vegetarianism, and especially total abstinence from wine and alcoholic beverages, are essential for the acquisition of Occult Knowledge. Even if the ethical scruples for the health and welfare of animals are dismissed, still vegetarianism is suggested to rich and poor for their own health, as well as the health of our planet. Great intellectual powers are no proof of, but are impediments to spiritual insight; witness most of the great men of science. We must rather pity than blame them. Each mind runs along idiosyncratic grooves of prejudice and suspicion, and is therefore unwilling to run in the grooves of another mind — hence friction and wrangle. And so the lives of our fellow men, and companions along the same journey, remain unnoticed and unused because of our dogmatic narrow-mindedness, which can do honour to no one. What is our object and what of the future? Our object is the enlightenment of oneself for the good of others. Our future comes from each moment, here and now. Future is a word for present not yet come. As we live in the moment, so we shift the future up or down for good or ill. If the present is full of doubt or vacillation, so will be the future; if full of confidence, calmness, hope, courage, and intelligence, thus also will be the future. When we begin awakening our spiritual consciousness, the Divine Ray will unveil to our highest perceptions a world entirely different from the world represented to us by our external senses. But before we become a centre of beneficent force, we should make an effort: 1. To overpower the stirring principle within us by detaching our mind from the allurements of the material world. 2. To accumulate as much merit as we can by unselfish thoughts and deeds of kindness, as directed by the power of a soul attuned with that of humanity. What we do now, in this transitional age, it will be like what the Dhyani-Chohans did in the midway point of evolution, when matter was in a critical semi-spiritual fluidic state. They then gave an impulse for new types, which resulted later in the vast varieties of nature. Let each one of us be a centre of light; a picture gallery from which shall be projected on the astral light such scenes, such influences, such thoughts, as may influence many for good, shall thus arouse a new current, which will draw back the great and the good from other spheres from beyond this earth.

Discharging the duty of another is dangerous

Discharging the duty of another is dangerous
Author: William Quan Judge
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 9
Release: 2017-10-28
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Our prime duty is to love our brother as ourselves, and to preserve peace and harmony around him. Then we have to discover what we ourselves can do, without judging or criticizing the actions of another. We should attend strictly to our own duty at all times. Discharging the duty of another is dangerous for us. More! We should be ever ready to help out equally foe or friend, without any desire for reward or recognition. He who considers himself a Karmic agent, for any purpose, is a fool. It would be wiser for all students to embrace every opportunity to act in a manner that fosters true brotherhood. Those fools who run about pretending to be sages and adepts will pay dearly for their presumption.

The Legend of the Blue Lotus

The Legend of the Blue Lotus
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 11
Release: 2017-10-28
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Mahatmas and Chelas

Mahatmas and Chelas
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,S. Ramaswamier,Damodar K. Mavalankar,Mohini M. Chatterji,Rajani Kant Brahmachari
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 22
Release: 2017-10-28
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Part 1. Mahatmas and Chelas, by H.P. Blavatsky. Part 2. How a Chela found his Guru, by S. Ramaswamier. Part 3. The Sages of Himavat, by D.K. Mavalankar. Part 4. The Himalayan Brothers, do they exist? by M.M. Chatterji. Part 5. Interview with a Mahatma, by R.K. Brahmachari. Part 6. H.P. Blavatsky on the experiences of A.F. Tindall.