Dinner Made Simple

Dinner Made Simple
Author: The Editors of Real Simple
Publsiher: Time Inc. Books
Total Pages: 870
Release: 2016-04-19
Genre: Cooking
ISBN: 9780848747589

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Think you'll never win at weeknight cooking? Think again. Your favorite ingredients are deliciously reimagined in Real Simple's latest cookbook that shows you how to spin 35 family staples into hundreds of hassle-free dishes. Organized from apples to zucchini, Dinner Made Simple is filled with 350 easy, quick dishes-many ready in 30 minutes or less-to help you get out of your recipe rut. With 10 ideas for every ingredient, you'll never look at a box of spaghetti, a bunch of carrots, or a ball of pizza dough the same way again. With helpful advice on buying and storing ingredients, genius kitchen tips, nutritional information for every recipe, and a complete dessert section (yes!), Dinner Made Simple is your new go-to resource for creating inspiring dishes all week long.

Ciphering made easy or An attempt to render simple and interesting the first four rules of arithmetic With Key

Ciphering made easy  or  An attempt to render simple and interesting the first four rules of arithmetic   With  Key
Author: Ciphering
Publsiher: Unknown
Total Pages: 190
Release: 1833
Genre: Electronic Book
ISBN: OXFORD:600048471

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Simple Fun and Quickly Done

Simple  Fun and Quickly Done
Author: Terry Atkinson
Publsiher: Martingale
Total Pages: 273
Release: 2017-01-04
Genre: Crafts & Hobbies
ISBN: 9781604688351

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Get ready for quick and clever designs that you'll be excited to make and show off! Popular designer Terry Atkinson shares her fresh stitching style, along with ideas for customizing many of the projects so you can make them truly unique. Includes tons of tips to help you finish projects fast and build your sewing skills Features a wide variety of home-decor items and personal accessories, including zippered bags and pouches, pillows, table runners, hot pads, napkin holders, and more You'll enjoy making these stitch-in-a-weekend projects as gifts or just for you

Ciphering Made Easy or an Attempt to render simple and interesting the first four rules of arithmetic etc

Ciphering Made Easy  or  an Attempt to render simple and interesting the first four rules of arithmetic  etc
Author: Anonim
Publsiher: Unknown
Total Pages: 174
Release: 1833
Genre: Electronic Book
ISBN: BL:A0019168979

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Life Should Be Simple and Easy

Life Should Be Simple and Easy
Author: Conrad Aquino
Publsiher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Total Pages: 162
Release: 2017-05-25
Genre: Electronic Book
ISBN: 1535449446

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The book, Life Should Be Simple and Easy: If You're Doing It Hard, You're Doing It Wrong, shows us the downright, honest truths about life. In doing so, this book gives us the tools to live life in the best possible way. It is a unique self-help book, in the sense that, it does not try to change you, motivate you, inspire you, or teach you coping skills. It drills down to the basics of how we become who we are, in turn, revealing the origin of stress. The book was written in a manner that makes logical sense. It is divided into six sections meant to be read one week at a time. It provides the reader the opportunity to experience the concepts in each section, in order to fully grasp their meanings. When you truly understand the ideas in this book, it will give you a new awakening. You may find the happiness you are seeking and live a stress-free life. But it doesn't end at the book. The publisher also follows through with the readers by giving them access to the authors through hosting a website. This site provides exclusive content and a private online forum where people gather regardless of gender, race, religion, or political affiliation. It is a community of people helping people achieve the same goal - the simple and easy life.

Rocket Surgery Made Easy

Rocket Surgery Made Easy
Author: Steve Krug
Publsiher: New Riders
Total Pages: 169
Release: 2009-12-08
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 9780321702845

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It's been known for years that usability testing can dramatically improve products. But with a typical price tag of $5,000 to $10,000 for a usability consultant to conduct each round of tests, it rarely happens. In this how-to companion to Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, Steve Krug spells out a streamlined approach to usability testing that anyone can easily apply to their own Web site, application, or other product. (As he said in Don't Make Me Think, "It's not rocket surgery".) Using practical advice, plenty of illustrations, and his trademark humor, Steve explains how to: Test any design, from a sketch on a napkin to a fully-functioning Web site or application Keep your focus on finding the most important problems (because no one has the time or resources to fix them all) Fix the problems that you find, using his "The least you can do" approach By paring the process of testing and fixing products down to its essentials ("A morning a month, that's all we ask"), Rocket Surgery makes it realistic for teams to test early and often, catching problems while it's still easy to fix them. Rocket Surgery Made Easy adds demonstration videos to the proven mix of clear writing, before-and-after examples, witty illustrations, and practical advice that made Don't Make Me Think so popular.

45 Paleo Recipes Quick Easy Paleo Recipes Cookbook

45 Paleo Recipes  Quick   Easy Paleo Recipes Cookbook
Author: Julina Baldec
Publsiher: Speedy Publishing LLC
Total Pages: 288
Release: 2014-08-23
Genre: Cooking
ISBN: 9781635016734

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Paleo desserts are the solution because serving your loved ones with these healthy treats will not only give them a healthy dessert that they are allowed to enjoy in a guilt free manner, but these desserts are delicious in taste so your kids will ask you for more. This is not a problem because you finally found the solution to satisy your kids sweet tooth. Best of all the recipes are actually quite easy to make and without braking the bank. There is even one recipe that you can make if you are the busiest mom in the world becaue all it takes is 3-5 minutes of your time. These recipes are gourmet scrumptious and I guarantee to you that your kids will not even notice the difference between your homemade Paleo muffins, Paleo cupcakes, Paleo Smoothies, Paleo puddings, Paleo mousse and creams and other healthy Paleo treats and the sugar loaded gluten-stuffed and store bought alternatives. In fact, my kids do enjoy these paleo desserts so much know they do not even like the unhealthy sugar treats from the store anymore. The benefits are enormous because they share my philosophy which is eating one apple a day keeps the doctor away. This compilation includes Book 1: 33 Scrumptious & Oozing Paleo Desserts + Book 2: Paleo Dessert Recipes: Paleo Muffins, Paleo Cupcakes, Pales Smoothies, Paleo Puddings and Paleo Ice Cream. Once you master the basics of the Paleo lifestyle, Paleo ingredients and the basic Paleo dessert recipes, you will be able to create the most delicious paleo desserts & that is when the fun really begins because you can turn paleo baking and making healthy desserts into a family activity which in turn will create some enjoyable & unforgettable baking moments for you and your loved ones... Here is an excerpt of the recipes that are waiting for you inside: * Paleo Marzipan & Berry Muffins With Coconut Whipped Cream * Macadamia, White Chocolate & Raspberry Muffins * The Ultimate Paleo Cocoholic's Muffins * Paleo Mug Cakes n'Hot Fudge Sauce lots more


Author: Бабелюк О. А.,Коляса О. В.
Publsiher: Нова Книга
Total Pages: 330
Release: 2024
Genre: Electronic Book
ISBN: 9789663824420

Download 2 Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

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