The Power of Discipline

The Power of Discipline
Author: Daniel Walter
Publsiher: Unknown
Total Pages: 148
Release: 2020-04-08
Genre: Electronic Book
ISBN: 9798631735408

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Have you spent weeks, months, or even years trying to achieve your goals but keep failing? Have you given up on becoming successful because your futile efforts have led you to believe that success is only for the select few? If you have answered "yes" to any of these questions-don't worry, there is still hope for you! Before you can achieve anything in life, you need a solid foundation of self-discipline. Talent, intelligence, and skill are only a part of the equation. Positive thinking, affirmations, and vision boards are only a part of the equation. If you want to turn your dreams into reality, you need self-discipline. Self-discipline is what will keep you focused when all hell is breaking loose and it looks like you are one step away from failure. It will give you the mental toughness required to dismantle the limitations you have placed on yourself and break through all obstacles standing in the way of your goals. How would you feel if I told you that your inability to achieve your goals does not arise because you are lazy or lack drive, but rather it's a problem because you have never been taught how to practice self-discipline? People are not born with self-discipline. Like driving or playing tennis, it's a skill that you learn. In The Power of Discipline you will gain access to easy-to-read, scientific explanations about self-discipline including: How to master self-discipline by targeting certain areas of the brain The Navy SEALs' secrets to self-discipline The Zen Buddhists' secrets to self-discipline How to make hard-work exciting How to ditch your bad habits and adopt the habits of successful people Strategies to keep going when your motivation runs out And much, much more By applying the principles in this book, you will develop your self-discipline, bulldoze through toward your goals, become an unstoppable force of nature, and start living the life you know you deserve! It's impossible to buy back the time you have lost, but you can take control of your future. Discover the Secrets to Self-Discipline Today by Clicking the "Add to Cart" Button at the Top of the Page.

Comment d velopper l autodiscipline dans le sport

Comment d  velopper l autodiscipline dans le sport
Author: Martin Meadows
Publsiher: Meadows Publishing
Total Pages: 178
Release: 2017-12-18
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Comment développer l'autodiscipline dans le sport : Découvre des stratégies approuvées pour enfin te remettre en forme et t’entrainer régulièrement pour le reste de ta vie Partout où tu vas, tu vois des salles de sport, des vidéos et des livres sur le sport, disant comment ils peuvent t'aider à te remettre en forme facilement et rapidement. Tu as probablement déjà mis de l'argent de côté, te promettant que C'ÉTAIT l'année où tu te remettrais en forme, perdrais ce poids en trop et deviendrais la personne énergique qui se cache en toi. Malheureusement, la vie continue et tu tombes dans l'habitude du « je vais commencer demain. » Ta motivation diminue et ton autodiscipline ne te pousse pas à atteindre tes objectifs. Tu commences à trouver des excuses : tu auras vraiment mal partout après ton entraînement, ça fait trop longtemps que tu ne t'es pas entrainé, tu n'as pas de volonté, tes amis et ta famille te disent de t’accepter comme tu es, tu penses que tu es trop faible, peu souple ou autrement incapable de t’entrainer, et bien d'autres choses négatives. Il y a bien une fois où tu as commencé un programme, mais tu ne pouvais pas suivre les objectifs hebdomadaires ou mensuels, alors tu as été frustré et tu as abandonné. Tout cela s'est accumulé pour te faire croire que tu es incapable de commencer et de poursuivre un programme d’entrainement. Tu as peur de ne pas être pas assez fort mentalement ou physiquement, mais tu as quand même l'espoir qu'un jour une pilule magique changera tout cela. La magie existe aujourd'hui, mais ce n'est pas aussi facile ou rapide que d'avaler une pilule. Cependant, cela peut être simple et agréable. Comment développer l'autodiscipline dans le sport est un guide concis et pratique sur la façon d’introduire et de garder le sport dans ta vie. À l'intérieur, tu apprendras : - Pourquoi le type le plus commun de motivation que les gens utilisent pour s'exercer est généralement inefficace (et quels types de motivation sont beaucoup plus forts) - Le mauvais « P » qui te conduira à abandonner lorsque tu feras face à des obstacles - Comment surmonter la procrastination et enfin commencer à faire de l'exercice ; y compris une astuce légèrement inconfortable qui t'assurera de faire beaucoup de sport - Comment trouver du temps pour s’entrainer malgré un emploi du temps chargé (et des statistiques surprenantes qui montrent que tu perds quand tu ne prends pas le temps de faire de l'exercice) - Des trucs et astuces pratiques pour rester motivé à vie, même lorsque tu rencontres des obstacles - Comment apprécier le sport tout en en supprimant les bénéfices les plus puissants (indice : si ton entraînement implique du « travail », ce n'est pas un bon entraînement) - Comment éviter les blessures, améliorer la récupération et gérer les douleurs musculaires inévitables afin que tu adhères au sport même si ton corps agit contre toi - Comment agir avec les autres, les mauvaises attentes et la négativité (à la fois de ton entourage et de toi-même sous la forme d'autocritique ou de doute de soi) Réunis et mis en pratique, les six chapitres de ce livre, soutenus par plus de 80 références à des études scientifiques et des experts crédibles, t'aideront à prendre une nouvelle habitude et à apporter l'un des changements les plus importants que tu feras dans ta vie. Achète le livre maintenant et commençons le voyage pour apprendre comment y parvenir. Mots clés : Développer l'autodiscipline, la volonté et l'autodiscipline, l'autodiscipline, les livres de maîtrise de soi, le stress, atteindre vos objectifs, le contrôle de soi, atteindre tes objectifs, gratification instantanée, objectifs à long terme, succès sur la définition des objectifs, livres sur la définition des objectifs, comment atteindre votre objectif, comment atteindre vos objectifs, persévérance, comment ne pas abandonner, comment faire de l'exercice, rester motivé, construire des habitudes, s'entraîner, développement personnel, faire de l'exercice

How to Build Self Discipline

How to Build Self Discipline
Author: Martin Meadows
Publsiher: Meadows Publishing
Total Pages: 50
Release: 2015-06-05
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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How to Develop Self-Discipline, Resist Temptations and Reach Your Long-Terms Goals If you want to make positive changes in your life and achieve your long-term goals, I can’t think of a better way to do it than to learn how to become more self-disciplined. Science has figured out a lot of interesting aspects of self-discipline and willpower, but most of this knowledge is buried deep inside long and boring scientific papers. If you’d like to benefit from these studies without actually reading them, this book is for you. I’ve done the job for you and researched the most useful and viable scientific findings that will help you improve your self-discipline. Here are just a couple things you will learn from the book: - what a bank robber with lemon juice on his face can teach you about self-control. The story will make you laugh out loud, but its implications will make you think twice about your ability to control your urges. - how $50 chocolate bars can motivate you to keep going when faced with an overwhelming temptation to give in. - why President Obama wears only gray and blue suits and what it has to do with self-control (it’s also a possible reason why the poor stay poor). - why the popular way of visualization can actually prevent you from reaching your goals and destroy your self-control (and what to do instead). - what dopamine is and why it’s crucial to understand its role to break your bad habits and form good ones. - 5 practical ways to train your self-discipline. Discover some of the most important techniques to increase your self-control and become better at resisting instant gratification. - why the status quo bias will threaten your goals and what to do to reduce its effect on your resolutions. - why extreme diets help people achieve long-term results, and how to apply these findings in your own life. - why and when indulging yourself can actually help you build your self-discipline. Yes, you can stuff yourself (from time to time) and still lose weight. Instead of sharing with you the detailed "why" (with confusing and boring descriptions of studies), I will share with you the "how" – advice that will change your life if you decide to follow it. You too can master the art of self-discipline and learn how to resist temptations. Your long term goals are worth it. Scroll up and buy the book now. As a gift for buying my book, you'll get my another book, "Grit: How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up." Keywords: Develop self discipline, willpower and self discipline, self-discipline, self control books, stress, reach your goals, self-control, achieve your goals, instant gratification, long term goals, goal setting success, goal setting books, how to reach your goals, how to achieve your goals, persistence, how not to give up, stick to a diet, stay motivated, build habits, delayed gratification, personal development

Self Discipline for Entrepreneurs

Self Discipline for Entrepreneurs
Author: Martin Meadows
Publsiher: Meadows Publishing
Total Pages: 178
Release: 2016-09-28
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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How to Develop the Self-Discipline Essential to Become and Remain a Successful Entrepreneur If you are an entrepreneur or want to become one, self-discipline is one of the most important skills you need to develop to achieve success. Entrepreneurship is a wild rollercoaster. It will test your willpower and persistence time after time, like nothing else. Get yourself ready for that ride by reading Self-Discipline for Entrepreneurs. Learn how to overcome the common temptations of entrepreneurs and deal with some of the most common challenges that stop many of them in their tracks through developing and maintaining self-discipline by using the tools that are given in this book. Drawing upon my own experience of successful entrepreneurship and current scientific research, this book covers the challenges faced by both new and seasoned entrepreneurs. Here are just some of the things you will learn: - Three types of motivation and why one of them is much weaker than you think. Choose the right motivators and you'll dramatically strengthen your resolve. - How to create a lifestyle centered around self-discipline. Discover how to change your mindset and your default behaviors so you will thrive as an entrepreneur, even when you find yourself in less than ideal circumstances. - How to keep balance and maintain sanity as you work on your business. The book gives you four reasons that lead to work imbalance and offers actionable solutions to enable you to persist in achieving the success you desire. If you want to achieve lasting success, sustainability is key. - Four toolsets to develop your self-discipline as an entrepreneur. Discover the most powerful traits, habits, or mindset changes that are necessary to strengthen your resolve as an entrepreneur. - The most common challenges facing people who want to start a business. Learn how to escape from a syndrome that is debilitating for new entrepreneurs and discover how to get past some of the most common stumbling blocks. - Common self-discipline challenges for experienced entrepreneurs. Once you have made a good start, if you want to remain successful as an entrepreneur, it'€™s essential to discover how to handle these issues. - Frequently asked questions related to self-discipline. Find out how to maintain self-discipline when you feel discouraged, keep going when everyone rejects you, boost your confidence when business goes down, find the willpower to work on your business if you have a day job and/or other obligations, and more. The life of an entrepreneur can be arduous. Let this book help you prepare for these challenges and thrive, no matter what you encounter in your entrepreneurial life. Keywords: Develop self discipline, willpower, self-discipline for entrepreneurs, self control books, stress, reach your goals, self-control, achieve your goals, instant gratification, long term goals, goal setting success, goal setting books, how to reach your goals, how to achieve your goals, persistence, how not to give up, how to be an entrepreneur, stay motivated, build habits, entrepreneurship, personal development

L autodiscipline Quotidienne

L autodiscipline Quotidienne
Author: Freddie Masterson
Publsiher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Total Pages: 104
Release: 2018-09-07
Genre: Electronic Book
ISBN: 1725072955

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Achetez la version de broché de ce livre et obtenez la version Kindle GRATUITEMENT en format numérique! Le fait est que les gens qui accomplissent de grandes choses ne doivent pas leur succès à la chance, mais à la capacité de contrôler leurs désirs et de vouloir plus que ce qu'ils ont actuellement. Les succès et les échecs ne devraient pas ètre basés sur la fortune ou l'absence de celle-ci parce qu'ils sont plutôt liés à la façon dont nous vivons suivant notre autodiscipline. La plupart des gens ne le réalisent pas, mais ils possèdent un manque d'autodiscipline dans les choses qu'ils cherchent à accomplir. Par exemple, les gens qui ont des objectifs de perte de poids peuvent finir par manger encore de la malbouffe (autrement dit tricher) si elles pensent que manger un sac de chips de pommes de terre ne vas pas la conduire tout à coup à en prendre beaucoup plus. Un autre exemple sont les fumeurs qui continuent à faire des promesses d'arrèt de leur habitude, puis qui retombent dedans après quelques jours sans nicotine dans leurs poumons. Les étudiants eux-mèmes ont besoin de plus de pratique dans le maintien de leur autodiscipline, en particulier lorsqu'ils étudient pour des examens et pour réaliser à temps un projet. Il est prudent de dire que l'autodiscipline est un facteur important qui définit notre sérieux pour atteindre les objectifs que nous désirons. Ils peuvent parfois devenir un défi encore plus important à franchir, car le plus grand ennemi auquel nous devons faire face, c'est nous-mèmes. Voici juste un aperçu de ce que vous allez bientôt apprendre .. - Comment bloquer les barrages qui vous empèchant d'atteindre vos objectifs. - Apprenez à définir les objectifs. - Vous saurez enfin comment renforcer votre endurance et votre tolérance. - Comment vous pouvez exploiter le pouvoir de la responsabilité. - Comment visualiser vos récompenses à long terme. - Et bien plus encore! N'attendez plus! Cliquez sur le bouton "Acheter maintenant" pour commencer le voyage d'ètre en meilleure santé!

The Soul of the Camera

The Soul of the Camera
Author: David duChemin
Publsiher: Rocky Nook, Inc.
Total Pages: 246
Release: 2017-06-14
Genre: Photography
ISBN: 9781681982045

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As both an art form and a universal language, the photograph has an extraordinary ability to connect and communicate with others. But with over one trillion photos taken each year, why do so few of them truly connect? Why do so few of them grab our emotions or our imaginations? It is not because the images lack focus or proper exposure; with advances in technology, the camera does that so well these days. Photographer David duChemin believes the majority of our images fall short because they lack soul. And without soul, the images have no ability to resonate with others. They simply cannot connect with the viewer, or even—if we’re being truthful—with ourselves.

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In The Soul of the Camera: The Photographer’s Place in Picture-Making, David explores what it means to make better photographs. Illustrated with a collection of beautiful black-and-white images, the book’s essays address topics such as craft, mastery, vision, audience, discipline, story, and authenticity. The Soul of the Camera is a personal and deeply pragmatic book that quietly yet forcefully challenges the idea that our cameras, lenses, and settings are anything more than dumb and mute tools. It is the photographer, not the camera, that can and must learn to make better photographs—photographs that convey our vision, connect with others, and, at their core, contain our humanity. The Soul of the Camera helps us do that.

Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art Writing and Criticism

Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art  Writing  and Criticism
Author: Lauren Fournier
Publsiher: MIT Press
Total Pages: 317
Release: 2021-02-23
Genre: Art
ISBN: 9780262045568

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Autotheory--the commingling of theory and philosophy with autobiography--as a mode of critical artistic practice indebted to feminist writing and activism. In the 2010s, the term "autotheory" began to trend in literary spheres, where it was used to describe books in which memoir and autobiography fused with theory and philosophy. In this book, Lauren Fournier extends the meaning of the term, applying it to other disciplines and practices. Fournier provides a long-awaited account of autotheory, situating it as a mode of contemporary, post-1960s artistic practice that is indebted to feminist writing, art, and activism. Investigating a series of works by writers and artists including Chris Kraus and Adrian Piper, she considers the politics, aesthetics, and ethics of autotheory.

Michel Henry et l affect de l art

Michel Henry et l affect de l art
Author: Adnen Jdey,Rolf Kühn
Publsiher: BRILL
Total Pages: 388
Release: 2011-11-25
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 9789004186811

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The studies in this book set out to examine the labile resonances of phenomenology and art in Michel Henry, by examining the different figures of movement given to the concept of the aesthetic by the philosopher. They are preceded by one of Michel Henry’s own texts. Les études qui composent ce livre proposent d’interroger les résonances labiles de la phénoménologie et de l’art chez Michel Henry, en examinant les différentes figures du déplacement imprimé par le philosophe au concept d’esthétique. Le tout est précédé d’un texte de Michel Henry.