Take Hyperianism to the Morgue Part I

Take Hyperianism to the Morgue  Part I
Author: The Illuminist Army
Publsiher: Magus Books
Total Pages: 469
Release: 2024
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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With social media influencer Andrew Tate under arrest and in jail, it's more important than ever to scrutinize these people - these online gurus who cast a spell over weak-minded individuals, and often with the most sinister of motives. All good and decent people have a civic duty to blow the whistle on those influencers who are running cults and doing severe and lasting damage to vulnerable people. All influencers are by definition public figures and that means they must be subjected to scrupulous investigation, just like politicians, who are of course simply more official influencers. Influencers can't claim that they should not be probed as politicians are. They are the continuation of politicians by other means, and often have much more influence than politicians. Look at the Kardashians. A new cult that has sprung up in the last few years is called "Hyperianism" and has already attracted a huge amount of negative attention and been denounced as a dangerous cult that we should all be watching out for. The leader of Hyperianism is called "Morgue" and that should immediately alert any decent person to something being very badly wrong with this Hyperian cult, and cult is most certainly what it is. "Morgue" also refers to himself as "Morgen Night", the "Night Bringer", and the "Terror of Men". Aren't you getting the picture yet? This is a morbid, sinister, dark cult, exuding gothic and emo imagery and vibes, and trying to attract a very emotional, impressionable group of outsiders. Easy prey for cult leaders. Investigative journalist Jared Hammer wrote an article called "New Cult Rejects Religion and Science". Hammer said, "These factors of Hyperianism line up closely with strategies used by cults to turn their followers away from society, as well as gain control over their thoughts and behavior. Although Hyperianism is still a new movement, it is quickly growing. Cults will do everything in their power to convince you that they are not a cult. They obtain followings of people disenchanted with reality and manipulate and mold them as they wish. My advice? Be wary of Morgue and his strange Hyperian teachings." A second investigative journalist, David G. McAfee, wrote in his article "Former Reality TV Star Now Leads a Dangerous Anti-Science Cult", "This has the markings of what could ultimately become a full-fledged cult, complete with brain reprogramming and maybe even self-harm or suicide." Well, come inside and reach your own conclusions.

Take Hyperianism to the Morgue Book II

Take Hyperianism to the Morgue  Book II
Author: The Illuminist Army
Publsiher: Magus Books
Total Pages: 425
Release: 2024
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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When a cult gives out red flags everywhere then all decent, moral people have an absolute duty, a categorical imperative, to blow the whistle, and protect others. People should have blown the whistle on influencer Andrew Tate long ago, and now it's even more essential to blow the whistle on people such as "Morgue", the leader of the modern cult of "Hyperianism", and all the rest of the cult predators who are preying on naïve people, those easy to manipulate and fleece. This Hyperian cult is the epitome of cancel culture. It actively tries to cancel anyone who says anything against it. Absolutely no one is allowed to get away with criticizing it, even though the cult leader hilariously claims that he will answer any question (well, except any question he doesn't like, and that's nearly all of them!). The cult's attack dogs will be out for sure regarding this book. We know what's coming. We've been through it all before. This is a book featuring the direct victims of this dangerous Hyperian cult and its predatory leader Morgue. Three people were criminally swatted by the leadership of this cult. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Come inside and find out all about what the leader of this cult and his chief accomplices get up to. Hear those affected in their own words, uncensored. This book will be of enormous value to anyone, including academic researchers, dealing with a modern online cult. There are many cults out there just like Hyperianism, with "dark triad" leaders just like Morgue. Society needs to do something about it. The influencer industry resembles the Wild West. It's completely unregulated and is doing extraordinary damage to some of the feeblest, most impressionable and suggestible people in society. They are sitting ducks for online predators looking for a fast buck and adulation. Buffy, a former member of this cult, added this alarming comment about Morgue: "He has ways of punishing people… they verbally punish you until you feel at your lowest. He gets the other admin to do it — he never does it." Watch out!

Take Morgue to the Morgue Enter the Sinister World of a New Age Cult

Take Morgue to the Morgue  Enter the Sinister World of a New Age Cult
Author: Joe Dixon
Publsiher: Magus Books
Total Pages: 442
Release: 2024
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Freak, monster, Satanist, sicko, weirdo, idiot, Luciferian, demon, defiler, devil, necromancer, coward, creep, cult leader, pathological narcissist, psychopath, predator, pretentious poser, toxic malignancy ... rinse, repeat. The insults for shock artist Morgue come thick and fast. They seek him here, they seek him there, those critics, detractors and knockers seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven? Is he in hell? Is he a fraud? Has he gone rogue? That damned, elusive fiend who belongs in a prison cell. The denigrators are never short of abuse and vitriol for the man they love to hate. Who is Morgue? Why do so many people loathe him so much? Morgue is no ordinary shock artist. He has now graduated to sinister cult leader, grifting from the weak-minded and vulnerable. To his haters, he's shocking in every way, a shocking human being, a disgrace, an abomination … an actual monster. Morgue will shock you to the core with his grotesque behavior, shock you out of your complacency with his nauseating conduct, shock you into seeing the reality of a cult that preys on all the suckers it can round up. You will feel the aftershock of his vileness. To his obsessive, manic fans, Morgue is Shock and Awe. To everyone else, it's shocking that this person isn't in jail, and they earnestly hope and expect that he soon will be given that he has been accused of serious crimes. This book is a commentary on these people – these sick, warped individuals who run cults – and the strange world they inhabit and strange people they attract. What makes them this way? Is there any cure? How should they be dealt with? What kind of people are drawn to them? Why are they able to fool so many people? Why don't their victims realize what is going on? It's time to take on the cult godfathers. Come and find out about the sinister world of the cult leader, one of the worst predators of the modern era. If humanity is not careful, these cult leaders will define the future. A future nightmare!

Ontological Mathematics

Ontological Mathematics
Author: Morgue
Publsiher: Unknown
Total Pages: 134
Release: 2019-07-11
Genre: Electronic Book
ISBN: 1082506435

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Ontological mathematics is the rational core of Hyperianism. It's the science of the future that proves the shocking truth that the world is not material but a collective dream, that so-called "matter" is an illusion, and the ultimate reality is a domain of pure mind. This is not a belief but a deductive, mathematical certainty. Ontological Mathematics was originally leaked to the public via a controversial hidden society operating under various pseudonyms. Since then, it has taken the world by storm. Ontological mathematics isn't any one person's idea. It's a new way of thinking that is championed by the greatest thinkers of the age. Nearly 100 books have been written about it by various authors and independent ontological mathematics research groups are appearing around the world. Ontological mathematics and Hyperianism is a global phenomenon.We have made the groundbreaking knowledge of our system available to all by introducing the reader to the foundational concepts of ontological mathematics in an accessible way. This text assumes the reader has only minimal philosophical knowledge, and it is written in such a way that anyone can begin learning the mathematics of our system.Imagine living in a time and place where the Earth is believed to be flat and humans created by a god. Now imagine you discover a book containing many astounding facts of science such as the spheroidal shape of the Earth and evolution. How exciting would that be? As you read the book, your entire perspective of reality would change. Your world would never be the same. This is such a book.You currently exist in a time and place where existence is viewed as material. This book reveals that the world is in fact a shared dream. Ontological mathematics is the study of the mathematical wave nature of existence. This is not a reality of matter, rather, it's a reality mind, of thought. And what is thought? Thoughts are mathematical sinusoidal waves. So ontological mathematics is the study of the mathematical waveforms of mind that make up all of existence and your very being. The spacetime world isn't a material reality at all. It's the Holos, which is a mathematical Fourier projection from a frequency singularity known as the Source.When properly understood and integrated, the information within this text will change your existence forever and elevate you to a new level of consciousness. This is the science of the future that one day soon will be taught in every school throughout the world.You are a Mind. Existence is Thought. The World is a Dream. The Science of the Future is Here.

Delete Hyperianism The New Face of Cults In the Twenty First Century

Delete Hyperianism  The New Face of Cults In the Twenty First Century
Author: Dave Sinclair
Publsiher: Magus Books
Total Pages: 409
Release: 2024
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Articles by investigative journalist David G. McAfee, an expert on cults, have revealed what many people have been saying for years, that the New Age group known as "Hyperianism", with several hundred fanatical followers and two millionaire backers, is a dangerous cult. The leader of this cult calls himself "Morgue", a suitably cult-like appellation. Other names he uses are Morgen Night, the Night Bringer (89) and the Terror of Men. Hyperianism preaches a highly disturbing ideology revolving around Woke extremism, and it could easily be considered a hate group, encouraging people to say "No" to normality and to normal people. Hyperianism detests mainstream society. The leader of the cult is a gender radical preaching a message that androgyny constitutes a higher state, and he says that his cult is for people who are "higher than human", and "beyond human". He even says that he does not identify as human! His misogyny is self evident in this comment: "I can not count how many times some 'spray on tan' slut has inquired in disbelief why I dress the way I do, or do the things I do. 'It's not sexy', she informs me. Such stupidity makes me want to strangle the bitch. Why should I be concerned if other people find me attractive in any way? Should I change my identity, for a waste producing organ between the legs? ... Morbidly Yours, Morgue" This toxic leader constantly asks for financial support from people who are clearly highly vulnerable and being groomed by him. The sheer number of brainwashing techniques in evidence is astonishing. All his life, as a street performer and expert in NLP, Morgue has perfected the art of getting the weak-minded to pay him for "putting on a show". It's essential for whistleblowers to expose these sinister cults and their even more sinister leaders, who do enormous damage to susceptible individuals who are easily psychologically manipulated and exploited by those on the Dark Triad spectrum of narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. This book is all about blowing the whistle on this dangerous cult and ensuring that people are warned about what they are dealing with should they ever encounter members of this cult or its sinister leader. Judge for yourselves whether Hyperianism is harmless, or a sick, twisted cult that people must be warned about to stop more falling into its trap.

Without the Mob There Is No Circus

Without the Mob  There Is No Circus
Author: David Sinclair
Publsiher: Magus Books
Total Pages: 864
Release: 2024
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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A "UXB" is an unexploded bomb. What happens when it goes off? All those who know about the Armageddon Conspiracy were aware that detonation was coming. Now it has. In this epic, we describe something of what the AC was all about, and why it had to perish. Nietzsche said, "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." Did the AC become monstrous? It certainly attracted monsters. In the end, did it topple into the abyss? Had it stood on the verge of the abyss for too long? As the AC exits the stage and the final curtain descends, it's essential to review the show. Did it deserve a standing ovation, or to be booed off the stage? Should the audience have thrown flowers, or rotten tomatoes? What did the critics say? Does anyone care? There were all too many poison pens, all too few glittering prizes. Some things are born posthumously, and the AC now joins the list. What will its afterlife be like? As ever, AC material is controversial, so no one of a sensitive disposition should access this work. You can't say you haven't been warned. We understood that for our message to be pure, it would entail shrinking our audience to almost zero, and we have more or less achieved that. When you tell the truth, you repulse everyone who follows the lie, and that's nearly all of humanity. Humanity loves the Lie. It worships it. It will have nothing else. The Truth is of no use to it at all. So, come inside and follow the final phase of this strangest of all stories. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be enraged, and many of you will storm off in a huff. At the end, you will either love us or hate us, and probably the latter. That's how it ought to be. What could be worse than going out with a whimper rather than a bang? Stand back, the bomb is going off.

The Philosophy of Dare Are You One of the Daring Ones

The Philosophy of Dare  Are You One of the Daring Ones
Author: Dave Sinclair
Publsiher: Magus Books
Total Pages: 483
Release: 2024
Genre: Self-Help
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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The Philosophy of Dare, the Daring Philosophy, is all about being willing to take risks, to rise to challenges, to leave behind comfort zones and safe spaces, and seek out storms and wildernesses and mountaintops and all extreme, daring environments. One must always escape mediocrity, and wherever the mediocre congregate. Mediocrity is the original sin. The mediocre are the opposite of the daring. Danton said, "We must dare, and dare again, and go on daring!" Machiavelli said, "Never was anything great achieved without danger." Andre Gide said, "Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." The daring don't stand around. They're active, proactive, the people doing things, making things happen, shaking things up. They're not the reactive masses, those that love to sit and wait for Godot. Godot isn't coming. Haven't you heard? William Makepeace Thackeray said, "Let the man who has to make his fortune in life remember this maxim. Attacking is his only secret. Dare, and the world always yields: or, if it beat you sometimes, dare again, and it will succumb." The attackers always have the initiative. The world reacts to them. The daring decide the agenda. They force the issue. They are the organ grinders. Everyone else dances to the tune of the daring ones. "Who Dares Wins" is the motto of the Special Air Service, Britain's elite special forces unit. Theodore Roosevelt said, "Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." The mediocrities avoid conflict. They duck out. They bale out. They opt out. They don't want to exert themselves. Too much effort. Are you afraid of losing it all? Then you are not one of the daring. Goethe said, "Rest not. Life is sweeping by; go and dare before you die. Something mighty and sublime, leave behind to conquer time." The daring are absolutely committed to leaving behind the mighty and sublime. They are the only ones who conquer time. They are the immortals. The great French revolutionary Saint-Just said, "Dare! – this word contains all the politics of our revolution." Will you risk it all? Do you dare? Trigger Warning (for those of a sensitive disposition): This content contains heavy satire, irony, sarcasm and black comedy. Keep your wits about you.

Book Zero

Book Zero
Author: Morgue
Publsiher: Unknown
Total Pages: 156
Release: 2016-09
Genre: Electronic Book
ISBN: 9798683553043

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Book Zero is an introduction to your eternal nature and the underlying domain of mind. It introduces these concepts in an engaging way complete with illustrations and diagrams, taking complex ideas and putting them in an easy to read format that will open your mind to a hidden world.You do not live in a material universe. This illusion has been spread long enough and has caused immense confusion and division. The answers to existence do not lie in ancient "holy" scrolls written thousands of years ago. They exist within your mind and are waiting to be unlocked.This book is for the outcasts, wanderers, visitors, and outsiders. It's for those who have seen how vile this world is. It's for those who have seen its intolerance, oppression, and hate. It's for those who have rejected this diseased culture. It is for the dreamers and the artists, those who are ready to create. Everything you have been taught by your world is a lie and here we will show the true underlying source of reality composed of eternal energy.Once the scales have been shed from your eyes you will be confronted with the truth of reality and everything will change.