Telemedicine Technologies

Telemedicine Technologies
Author: D. Jude Hemanth,Valentina Emilia Balas
Publsiher: Academic Press
Total Pages: 262
Release: 2019-05-04
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780128169490

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Telemedicine Technologies: Big Data, Deep Learning, Robotics, Mobile and Remote Applications for Global Healthcare illustrates the innovative concepts, methodologies and frameworks that will increase the feasibility of the existing telemedicine system. The book also focuses on showcasing prototypes of remote healthcare systems, thus emphasizing the data processing side that is often recognized as the backbone of any telemedicine system. Illustrates the innovative concepts, methodologies and frameworks that will increase the feasibility of the existing telemedicine system Focuses on showcasing prototypes of remote healthcare systems

The Role of Telehealth in an Evolving Health Care Environment

The Role of Telehealth in an Evolving Health Care Environment
Author: Institute of Medicine,Board on Health Care Services
Publsiher: National Academies Press
Total Pages: 159
Release: 2012-12-20
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9780309262019

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In 1996, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released its report Telemedicine: A Guide to Assessing Telecommunications for Health Care. In that report, the IOM Committee on Evaluating Clinical Applications of Telemedicine found telemedicine is similar in most respects to other technologies for which better evidence of effectiveness is also being demanded. Telemedicine, however, has some special characteristics-shared with information technologies generally-that warrant particular notice from evaluators and decision makers. Since that time, attention to telehealth has continued to grow in both the public and private sectors. Peer-reviewed journals and professional societies are devoted to telehealth, the federal government provides grant funding to promote the use of telehealth, and the private technology industry continues to develop new applications for telehealth. However, barriers remain to the use of telehealth modalities, including issues related to reimbursement, licensure, workforce, and costs. Also, some areas of telehealth have developed a stronger evidence base than others. The Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) sponsored the IOM in holding a workshop in Washington, DC, on August 8-9 2012, to examine how the use of telehealth technology can fit into the U.S. health care system. HRSA asked the IOM to focus on the potential for telehealth to serve geographically isolated individuals and extend the reach of scarce resources while also emphasizing the quality and value in the delivery of health care services. This workshop summary discusses the evolution of telehealth since 1996, including the increasing role of the private sector, policies that have promoted or delayed the use of telehealth, and consumer acceptance of telehealth. The Role of Telehealth in an Evolving Health Care Environment: Workshop Summary discusses the current evidence base for telehealth, including available data and gaps in data; discuss how technological developments, including mobile telehealth, electronic intensive care units, remote monitoring, social networking, and wearable devices, in conjunction with the push for electronic health records, is changing the delivery of health care in rural and urban environments. This report also summarizes actions that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) can undertake to further the use of telehealth to improve health care outcomes while controlling costs in the current health care environment.

Telemedicine Technologies

Telemedicine Technologies
Author: Bernard Fong,A. C. M. Fong,C. K. Li
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 248
Release: 2011-07-28
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 9781119956525

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This book brings together a broad range of topics demonstrating how information and wireless technologies can be used in healthcare In this book, the authors focus on how medical information can be reliably transmitted through wireless communication networks. It explains how they can be optimized to carry medical information in various situations by utilizing readily available traditional wireless local area network (WLAN) and broadband wireless access (BWA) systems. In addition, the authors discuss consumer healthcare technology, which is becoming more popular as reduction in manufacturing cost of electronics products makes healthcare products more affordable to the general public. Finally, the book explores topics such as communication networks and services, patient monitoring, information processing, system deployment, data security and privacy, information technology in alternative medicine, multimedia and health informatics, and caring for the community. Key Features: Focuses on the transmission of medical information over wireless communication networks, and addresses topics such as communication networks and services, patient monitoring, information processing, system deployment, data security and privacy, and many others Provides an in-depth introduction to the various factors that need to be considered for supporting healthcare services with information technology Covers advancements in topics such as RFID in healthcare Discusses medical signal processing as well as ECG and signal processing techniques This book will be of interest to advanced students and professors in biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, and information engineering. Medical and IT professionals involved in specifying new facilities, healthcare practitioners in telemedicine, researchers in wireless communications and information technology, and network administrators will also find this book insightful.

Telemedicine Technologies

Telemedicine Technologies
Author: Bernard Fong,A. C. M. Fong,C. K. Li
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 325
Release: 2020-08-10
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9781119575740

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Since the launch of Telemedicine Technologies (Wiley, 2010), the technologies surrounding telemedicine have changed immeasurably, particularly with the emerging trends of Internet-of-Things (IoT), digital/e-Health, and wearable, smart and assistive technologies. This second edition overhauls and expands on the original text to reflect the technical advances of the last decade. It covers applications from traditional healthcare services to remote patient monitoring and recovery, to alternative medicine and general health assessment for maintaining optimal health. This welcome update brings together a broad range of topics demonstrating how information and wireless technologies can be used in healthcare.


Author: Institute of Medicine,Committee on Evaluating Clinical Applications of Telemedicine
Publsiher: National Academies Press
Total Pages: 288
Release: 1996-11-08
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9780309055314

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Telemedicineâ€"the use of information and telecommunications technologies to provide and support health care when distance separates the participantsâ€"is receiving increasing attention not only in remote areas where health care access is troublesome but also in urban and suburban locations. Yet the benefits and costs of this blend of medicine and digital technologies must be better demonstrated before today's cautious decision-makers invest significant funds in its development. Telemedicine presents a framework for evaluating patient care applications of telemedicine. The book identifies managerial, technical, policy, legal, and human factors that must be taken into account in evaluating a telemedicine program. The committee reviews previous efforts to establish evaluation frameworks and reports on results from several completed studies of image transmission, consulting from remote locations, and other telemedicine programs. The committee also examines basic elements of an evaluation and considers relevant issues of quality, accessibility, and cost of health care. Telemedicine will be of immediate interest to anyone with interest in the clinical application of telemedicine.

Telemedicine Technologies

Telemedicine Technologies
Author: Bernard Fong,A. C. M. Fong,C. K. Li
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 320
Release: 2020-05-12
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9781119575757

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Since the launch of Telemedicine Technologies (Wiley, 2010), the technologies surrounding telemedicine have changed immeasurably, particularly with the emerging trends of Internet-of-Things (IoT), digital/e-Health, and wearable, smart and assistive technologies. This second edition overhauls and expands on the original text to reflect the technical advances of the last decade. It covers applications from traditional healthcare services to remote patient monitoring and recovery, to alternative medicine and general health assessment for maintaining optimal health. This welcome update brings together a broad range of topics demonstrating how information and wireless technologies can be used in healthcare.

Fundamentals of Telemedicine and Telehealth

Fundamentals of Telemedicine and Telehealth
Author: Shashi Gogia
Publsiher: Academic Press
Total Pages: 400
Release: 2019-10-27
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9780128143100

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Fundamentals of Telemedicine and Telehealth provides an overview on the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to solve health problems, especially for people living in remote and underserviced areas. With the advent of new technologies and improvement of internet connectivity, telehealth has become a new subject requiring a new understanding of IT devices and how to utilize them to fulfill health needs. The book discusses topics such as digitizing patient information, technology requirements, existing resources, planning for telehealth projects, and primary care and specialized applications. Additionally, it discusses the use of telemedicine for patient empowerment and telecare in remote locations. Authored by IMIA Telehealth working group, this book is a valuable source for graduate students, healthcare workers, researchers and clinicians interested in using telehealth as part of their practice or research. Presents components of healthcare that can be benefitted from remote access and when to rely on them Explains the current technologies and tools and how to put them to effective use in daily healthcare Provides legal provisions for telehealth implementation, discussing the risks of remote healthcare provision and cross border care

Advances in Telemedicine for Health Monitoring

Advances in Telemedicine for Health Monitoring
Author: Tarik A. Rashid,Chinmay Chakraborty,Kym Fraser
Publsiher: Institution of Engineering and Technology
Total Pages: 321
Release: 2020-07-08
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 9781785619861

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Advances in telemedicine technologies have offered clinicians greater levels of real-time guidance and technical assistance for diagnoses, monitoring, operations or interventions from colleagues based in remote locations. The topic includes the use of videoconferencing, mentorship during surgical procedures, or machine-to-machine communication to process data from one location by programmes running in another. This edited book presents a variety of technologies with applications in telemedicine, originating from the fields of biomedical sensors, wireless sensor networking, computer-aided diagnosis methods, signal and image processing and analysis, automation and control, virtual and augmented reality, multivariate analysis, and data acquisition devices. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), surgical robots, telemonitoring, and teleoperation systems are also explored, as well as the associated security and privacy concerns in this field. Topics covered include critical factors in the development, implementation and evaluation of telemedicine; surgical tele-mentoring; technologies in medical information processing; recent advances of signal/image processing techniques in healthcare; a real-time ECG processing platform for telemedicine applications; data mining in telemedicine; social work and tele-mental health services for rural and remote communities; applying telemedicine to social work practice and education; advanced telemedicine systems for remote healthcare monitoring; the impact of tone-mapping operators and viewing devices on visual quality of experience of colour and grey-scale HDR images; modelling the relationships between changes in EEG features and subjective quality of HDR images; IoMT and healthcare delivery in chronic diseases; and transform domain robust watermarking method using Riesz wavelet transform for medical data security and privacy.