Therapeutic Exercise Prescription

Therapeutic Exercise Prescription
Author: Kim Dunleavy,Amy Kubo Slowik
Publsiher: Elsevier
Total Pages: 632
Release: 2018-11-26
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 0323280536

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Dunleavy and Slowik's Therapeutic Exercise Prescription delivers on everything you need from a core therapeutic exercise text. This all-new, full-color text combines evidence-based content, theoretical concepts, AND practical application to provide a robust understanding of therapeutic exercise. Using an approachable, easy-to-follow writing style, it introduces foundational concepts, discusses how to choose the right exercises, and guides you in developing goals for treatment. Coverage also includes the examination process and specific ways to choose, monitor, and evaluate the most effective exercise. Each exercise in the text is presented with progressions - a unique feature that's exclusive to this title - to give you an understanding of how the exercise(s) may change from the initial phase of exercise prescription to the functional recovery stage. In addition to its highly-digestible format, this text also boasts case studies, practical discussions, and engaging online videos to provide you with the most dynamic and effective learning experience. UNIQUE! Clinical reasoning approach to exercise selection, modification, instruction, and progression provides a framework to help you master all aspects of therapeutic exercise, from the initial exercise prescription to the functional recovery stage. Emphasis on patient safety and precautions includes the use of the ICF model, as well as coverage of tissue healing and biometrics. UNIQUE! Clinical case examples provide practical examples in a succinct compare and contrast format to help you build clinical reasoning skills and learn to apply theory to practice. Full case studies cover all the regions of the body as well as each of the mobility-, trauma-, and psychologically-informed concepts. Discussion questions and answers at the end of each case study and at the end each chapter help you assimilate and use your existing knowledge and help prepare you for the types of critical thinking you will be required to do in practice. UNIQUE! Integrated content builds from foundational concepts, with reinforcement throughout the book using illustrations and explanations of important concepts. UNIQUE! Discussion of broad categories, such as extremes of mobility impairments, types of trauma, and presence of psychological impairments, strengthen your understanding. UNIQUE! Detailed exercise depictions include teaching tips with instruction examples, common errors to correct, and methods to prevent or address compensations. UNIQUE! Workbook format features comprehensive coverage of exercise examples with alternatives and progressions.

Therapeutic exercise prescription

Therapeutic exercise prescription
Author: Kim Dunleavy
Publsiher: Unknown
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2019
Genre: Electronic Book
ISBN: OCLC:1357159124

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Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic Exercise
Author: Lori Thein Brody,Carrie M. Hall
Publsiher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Total Pages: 779
Release: 2011
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 0781799570

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Therapeutic Exercise: Moving Toward Function, Third Edition provides a conceptual framework for learning how to make clinical decisions regarding the prescription of therapeutic exercise—from deciding which exercise(s) to teach, to how to teach them, to the dosage required for the best outcome. Readers will learn how to use therapeutic exercise and related interventions to treat the impairments that correlate to functional limitations and disability and to work toward optimal function. Highlights of this Third Edition include case studies in each chapter and more than 200 new photographs and illustrations.

The Physiotherapist s Pocket Guide to Exercise E Book

The Physiotherapist s Pocket Guide to Exercise E Book
Author: Angela Jane Glynn,Helen Fiddler
Publsiher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Total Pages: 227
Release: 2009-04-07
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9780702039294

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This book is for therapists involved in exercise therapy for the prevention and treatment of disease. It covers exercise assessment, current prescription guidelines, precautions, exercise design and clinical case studies. The book also includes exercises to increase strength, power, local muscle endurance, range of movement and aerobic capacity and will be relevant to all areas of therapy practice. In addition to the general guidelines, considerations for exercise groups and exercise at home as well as exercise in special patient populations are addressed. This allows therapists who are expert in one area to become familiar with exercise prescription in another. The book underpins therapeutic exercise in general and also addresses specific considerations for particular clinical situations within current guidelines and practical considerations. Underpinning exercise physiology Physical principles of exercise design Guidelines for exercise training Clinical exercise prescription Limitations to exercise in common conditions Example case studies

Functional Exercise Prescription

Functional Exercise Prescription
Author: Eyal Lederman
Publsiher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Total Pages: 265
Release: 2022-04-21
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9781912085491

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In Functional Exercise Prescription, Eyal Lederman presents a revolutionary new approach for exercise prescription that uses the individual's own movement repertoire. The book demonstrates how daily activities (the life gym) can be amplified to provide the necessary movement challenges to support movement rehabilitation in many musculoskeletal and pain conditions. Hence, all activities can become remedial without the need to prescribe unfamiliar exercise; in other words, 'how to exercise without exercise' or 'how to rehabilitate without exercise'. People recover from most musculoskeletal and pain conditions through three key processes: repair, adaptation, and alleviation of symptoms. The author explains how to identify the individual's recovery process and how to select the appropriate daily or sporting activities, and, how they can be modified to support recovery. Functional Exercise Prescription is a dramatic departure from the traditional strength and conditioning models that have been used for rehabilitation. The book explores the limitation of these models and explains how they can be replaced by functional daily activities ('functioncise'). It provides the practitioner with practical tools to construct a tailor-made plan for each individual to help expedite and optimize their recovery. Most rehabilitation can be constructed from a small familiar set of daily or sports activities. All human physical activity is exercise. Life is your gym.

Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic Exercise
Author: Carolyn Kisner,Lynn Allen Colby,John Borstad
Publsiher: F.A. Davis
Total Pages: 3368
Release: 2022-10-17
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9781719649476

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The premier text for therapeutic exercise Here is all the guidance you need to customize interventions for individuals with movement dysfunction. You’ll find the perfect balance of theory and clinical technique—in-depth discussions of the principles of therapeutic exercise and manual therapy and the most up-to-date exercise and management guidelines.

Exercise Prescription and the Back

Exercise Prescription and the Back
Author: Wendell Liemohn
Publsiher: McGraw-Hill/Appleton & Lange
Total Pages: 296
Release: 2001
Genre: Education
ISBN: UOM:39015049971446

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A unique manual presenting the role of exercise in the remediation and prevention of back pain. The book takes exercise physiology and applies to the back area--examining the trunk, flexibility and range of motion, aerobic conditioning, and more. Includes an introduction to aquatic therapy, therapy for spine pain, and therapeutic exercise research.

Therapeutic Exercises

Therapeutic Exercises
Author: Shehab Abd El-Kader,Eman Ashmawy
Publsiher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Total Pages: 156
Release: 2014-01
Genre: Exercise therapy
ISBN: 3659516392

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Therapeutic exercise is an integral part of the practice of physical therapy. One of the most difficult tasks for physical therapists is to design and apply an exercise program. Exercise presents both benefits and risks. This balance can be easily achieved towards the benefit side of the equation with the optimal exercise prescription. Therapeutic exercise is the systematic and planned performance of body movements or exercises which aims to improve and restore physical function. This book focuses on important principles of exercises, design and techniques. Also, this book provides essential information to prescribe exercise safely and effectively in conditions commonly seen by physiotherapists. This book describes itself a practical handbook.