Who should be invited to theosophical meetings

Who should be invited to theosophical meetings
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 8
Release: 2018-07-07
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Early theosophical doctrines expounded by H P Blavatsky

Early theosophical doctrines expounded by H P  Blavatsky
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Alfred Percy Sinnett, Tallapragada Subba Row, Boris de Zirkoff
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 37
Release: 2024-06-11
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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The Secrets of Nature and of Occult Sciences cannot be revealed to the profane, who will desecrate them and turn into a weapon against humanity. They can only be imparted to a regular chela of many years’ standing, pledged to silence and secrecy during his successive initiations. Such Secrets do exist and are defended with one’s life. Occult Truth is Nature without the illusory veil of the Five Senses. Reason is purely human; instinct, an endowment of Deity. Sixth Sense is Reason over instinct, i.e., Mental Fire perceiving and registering the other Five. The Sixth Sense is spiritual clairvoyance, as opposed to psychic. The former is normal and real; the latter, abnormal and counterfeit. Not before developing his Sixth Sense, will the man of science concede the error of his theories as to the solar spectrum, unless he retracts his marked weakness for conditional and disjunctive syllogisms ending in eternal dilemmas. Appearances are deceitful, says a Master of Wisdom. While the astronomer has elucidated the visible relations of the orbs of space, he knows nothing of their inner constitution. Similarly, the knowledge of geologist and physiologist is confined to man’s outer shell. The Adept cannot cross bodily the limits of the solar system, yet he knows that far stretching beyond the telescopic power of detection there are systems upon systems, the smallest of which would, when compared with the system of Sirius, make the latter seem like an atom of dust imbedded in the great Gobi desert. Divine Wisdom alone can carry us to the perfect state of Jivanmukta, by teaching us what is true and what is false. Till then, the next best thing to learning what is true is to ascertain what is not true. With biographical notes on Frederick W.H. Myers, Sir William Crookes, and Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner.

Presidential authoritarianism is an affront to Brotherhood

Presidential authoritarianism is an affront to Brotherhood
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 23
Release: 2024-05-21
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Inflamed by the abnormal fancies and uncanny dreams of an acting Editor of “The Theosophist.” The Esoteric Section of The Theosophical Society is wholly apart from the latter, and owes no allegiance to it. Madame Blavatsky alone is responsible for its members. Let the Theosophical Society break away from the original lines, and show disloyalty in its policy to the Cause and the Original Programme, and Madame Blavatsky will shake it off like dust from her feet. There is no such a thing as “Parent Society”; it has been abolished and replaced by an aggregate body of Theosophical Societies, all autonomous as the States of America are, and all under one Head-President who, together with Madame Blavatsky, champions the Cause against the whole world. Madame Blavatsky does not owe the slightest allegiance to a Council which is liable at any moment to issue silly and untheosophical commands. No more than Madame Blavatsky has Col. Olcott the right of exercising autocracy or papal powers, for both Founders of the Theosophical Society have sworn allegiance to the Fellows, whom they vowed to protect, and teach those who want to be taught; they are not to tyrannize and rule over them. “The sun of truth fears no light and needs no lies.” In his zeal hunting the mare’s nest, the esteemed acting Editor of “The Theosophist” has become more Catholic than the Pope himself. Let the General Council expel Madame Blavatsky for “disloyalty,” if Col. Olcott should be so blind as to fail to see where the loyal friend and his duty lie. Enough of theosophical dogmatism and intolerance! If you want to know yourself ask your enemies, not your friends, and you will find more truth, and profit more by their opinion than by that of those who love you. Plus, an explanation important to all Theosophists introduced by Boris de Zirkoff, a Statement by Madame Blavatsky, and a Joint Note by Col. Olcott and Madame Blavatsky.

The aims and mission of the Theosophical Society fulfilled

The aims and mission of the Theosophical Society fulfilled
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 29
Release: 2021-04-17
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Progress review of the aims and mission of the Theosophical Society, September 1889, on the occasion of the fifth volume of “Lucifer.” 1. To establish a nucleus of universal brotherhood of man. The Indian National Congress was planned by our Anglo-Indian and Hindu members after the model and on the lines of the Theosophical Society, and has from the first been directed by our own colleagues, men among the most influential in the Indian Empire. From Ceylon the religion of Gautama streamed out to Cambodia, Siam, and Burma; and from this holy land the message of Brotherhood reached Japan. We depicted the chromatic vibrations of the aura of Gautama in the Buddhist Flag — sapphire blue, golden yellow, crimson, white, and scarlet. 2. To promulgate the study oriental philosophy and literature. Our magnificent achievements in India. The revival of Buddhism in Ceylon. Neither race, nor creed, nor colour, nor social class, nor old antipathies are irremovable obstacles to the grand ideals of altruism and brotherhood. 3. To investigate the occult laws and principles in nature and man. We work on the basis that the Higher Self in every man is colourless, cosmopolitan, unsectarian, sexless, and pre-eminently altruistic. The early fruits of the Theosophical Tree, August 1890, a year later. The Theosophical Society arose to defend true science and true religion against a sciolism that was becoming more and more arrogant, and to stem the headlong descent to materialism. The popularity of theosophical and mystical literature indicates the despair and hope of the churches — despair that science will ever read the puzzle of life; hope that the solution may be found in the secret doctrine. The modern Theosophical Movement is a necessity of the age. It has spread under its own inherent impulsion, and owes nothing to adventitious methods. Its strongest allies are the yearnings for light upon the problem of life, and for a nobler conception of the origin, destiny, and potentialities of the human being. Alone the organs of disembodied “angels” poured as unsuccessfully as ever their vials of wrath, mockery, and brutal slander, upon us. However, the utmost malignity and basest treachery have not been able either to controvert our ideas, belittle our objects, disprove the reasonableness of our methods, or fasten upon us a selfish or dishonest motive. The Adyar Library, founded by the loving labour of Colonel Olcott, is the crown and glory of the Theosophical Society. Progress review of the three objects of the Theosophical Society. The clear note of universal brotherhood was struck and the evangel of religious tolerance declared in India, where previously there had been only sectarian hatred and selfish class egotism. And by bringing the people of Ceylon, Burma, Siam, and Japan, into fraternal relations with the Hindus, and creating channels for international intercourse upon religious and educational subjects. In the East End of London we have founded the first Working-Women’s Club, wholly free from theological creeds and conditions. We have revived the study of oriental literature across the globe, thus opening up the vista of a new spiritual day for the world, the harbinger of a new marriage between science and religion, and of peace between the people of the most incongruous sects. We have placed before the thinking public a logical, coherent, and philosophical scheme of man’s origin, destiny, and evolution — a scheme pre-eminent above all for its rigorous adherence to justice. Theosophy, the universal solvent, is fulfilling its mission. For many a long year humanity, the “great orphan,” has been crying aloud in the darkness for guidance and light — but no more!

The Theosophical Society is not a nursery for budding adepts

The Theosophical Society is not a nursery for budding adepts
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 11
Release: 2020-09-21
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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The main cause of pain lies in our perpetually seeking the permanent in the impermanent, and the trouble that comes upon us is always just the one we feel to be the hardest that could possibly happen, the one thing we feel we cannot possibly bear. Evil is often the result of anxiety, in anticipation of recognition and personal reward. The mission of the Theosophical Society is to rekindle the torch of truth by the formation of a fraternal union of mankind, the only soil in which the good seed can grow. To those who are keen to acquire psychic powers for private advantage we have nothing to say. Beware of quick and easy ways of acquiring psychic “gifts.” If in each of our branches we were able to establish a homeopathic dispensary, with the addition of mesmeric healing, we might contribute towards putting the science of medicine in this country on a sounder basis, and be the means of incalculable benefit to the people at large.

In the early days of the Theosophical Movement occult phenomena were taken as miracles

In the early days of the Theosophical Movement occult phenomena were taken as miracles
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,Aglaya Annenkova
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 10
Release: 2020-12-05
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Wonders today no longer arouse veneration and awe, but curiosity. It was in the hope of arousing and utilizing this spirit of curiosity that occult phenomena were shown. The Roman Catholic Church excuses itself from the examination of any occult phenomena on the plea that they are necessarily the work of the Devil, whenever they occur outside of its own pale, since it has a lawful monopoly of the legitimate miracle business. While Religion cannot grasp the idea of natural law as applied to the supersensuous Universe, Science does not allow the existence of any supersensuous universe at all to which the reign of law could be extended; nor can it conceive the possibility of any other state of consciousness than our present terrestrial one. Occult phenomena were claimed by the Spiritualists as the work of their dear departed ones, and the leaders of Theosophy declared to be mediums in disguise. What mean and unreasoning animals ignorant men become when their cherished prejudices are touched! Did not the history of scientific research teach us how, very like an ignorant man, a learned man can behave when the truth of his theories is called in question?

Three Eminent Theosophists

Three Eminent Theosophists
Author: Boris Mihailovich de Zirkoff
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 17
Release: 2021-05-30
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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Students of Theosophy have a choice of Two Paths

Students of Theosophy have a choice of Two Paths
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publsiher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 9
Release: 2018-06-29
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9182736450XXX

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