Clinical Care of the Runner

Clinical Care of the Runner
Author: Mark A. Harrast
Publsiher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Total Pages: 304
Release: 2019-11-22
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9780323679503

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Offering current guidance from national and international experts, Clinical Care of the Runner provides a comprehensive, practical approach to caring for the runner patient. Editor Dr. Mark A. Harrast, Clinical Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine and Sports Medicine and Medical Director for Husky Stadium and the Seattle Marathon, ensures that you're up to date with assessment, biomechanics, musculoskeletal injuries, medical illness, training, special populations, and other key topics. - Covers general topics such as evaluation of the injured runner, on-the-field and in-office assessment, and sports psychology for the runner. - Includes biomechanics and rehabilitation chapters, including running gait assessment, choosing a running shoe, and deep water running for prevention and rehabilitation of running injuries. - Provides expert guidance on bone stress injuries and bone health, osteoarthritis and running, knee injuries in runners, and other musculoskeletal injuries. - Features a section on specific populations such as the novice runner, the youth runner, the peripartum runner, and the ultramarathoner. - Consolidates today's available information and guidance into a single, convenient resource.

Anatomy for Runners

Anatomy for Runners
Author: Jay Dicharry
Publsiher: Simon and Schuster
Total Pages: 372
Release: 2012-12-12
Genre: Sports & Recreation
ISBN: 9781620872253

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Running has become more and more popular in recent years, with thousands of people entering marathons, buying new running shoes with the latest technology, and going for a daily jog, whether on the track or on a treadmill. Unfortunately, with running comes injuries, as a result of wrong information and improper training. Author Jay Dicharry was tired of getting the same treatments from doctors that didn’t heal his joint and muscle pain from running, so he decided to combine different fields of clinical care, biomechanical analysis, and coaching to help you avoid common injuries and become the best runner you can be. Along with clear and thorough explanations of how running influences the body, and how the body influences your running, this book answers many of the common questions that athletes have: Do runners need to stretch? What is the best way to run? What causes injuries? Which shoes are best for running? Is running barefoot beneficial? The mobility and stability tests will assess your form, and the corrective exercises, along with step-by-step photos, will improve your core and overall performance, so that you can train and run with confidence, knowing how to avoid injuries!

Anatomy for Runners

Anatomy for Runners
Author: Jay Dicharry
Publsiher: Skyhorse Publishing Inc.
Total Pages: 321
Release: 2012-08
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 9781620871591

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With training tips, exercises, and injury remedies, this is a book that every runner and coach should..

Mass Gathering Medicine

Mass Gathering Medicine
Author: William J. Brady,Mark R. Sochor,Paul E. Pepe,John C. Maino II,K. Sophia Dyer
Publsiher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 435
Release: 2024-04-18
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9781009116251

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Mass medical deployments to large events, such as music festivals or sporting events, are increasing in number, size, and complexity. This textbook provides guidance and direction for rational, effective, and practical medical management of mass gathering events for medical leaders. This is the first authoritative text on mass event medicine, filling a much-needed gap in a large and important area of the specialty. An international group of contributors introduce the specialty and cover topics such as general deployment, staffing, equipment, and resources, moving on to more complex issues such as the business aspect of mass gathering medicine and the legal implications. There are also practical chapters on specific types of events and adverse events such as terrorism, severe weather, and civil disobedience. An invaluable text for all healthcare professionals planning for and attending mass events, particularly EMS professionals, large event planners and administrators, and law enforcement and security personnel.

Ballweg s Physician Assistant A Guide to Clinical Practice E Book

Ballweg s Physician Assistant  A Guide to Clinical Practice   E Book
Author: Tamara S Ritsema,Darwin L. Brown,Daniel T. Vetrosky
Publsiher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Total Pages: 606
Release: 2021-04-17
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9780323695817

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Designed as a highly visual and practical resource to be used across the spectrum of lifelong learning, Ballweg's Physician Assistant, 7th Edition, helps you master all the core competencies needed for physician assistant certification, recertification, and clinical practice. It remains the only textbook that covers all aspects of the physician assistant profession, the PA curriculum, and the PA's role in clinical practice. Ideal for both students and practicing PAs, it features a succinct, bulleted writing style, convenient tables, practical case studies, and clinical application questions that enable you to master key concepts and clinical applications. - Addresses all six physician assistant competencies, as well as providing guidance for the newly graduated PA entering practice. - Includes five new chapters: What Is a Physician Assistant, and How Did We Get Here?, Effective Use of Technology for Patient-Centered Care, Success in the Clinical Year, Transitioning to Practice and Working in Teams, and Finding Your Niche. - Features an enhanced focus on content unique to the PA profession that is not readily found in other resources, more illustrations for today's visually oriented learners, a more consistent format throughout, and a new emphasis on the appropriate use of social media among healthcare professionals. - Provides updated content throughout to reflect the needs of the PA profession, including new content on self-care for the PA to help prevent burnout, suicide, and other hazards faced by healthcare professionals. - Guides students in preparation for each core clinical rotation and common electives, as well as working with special patient populations such as patients experiencing homelessness and patients with disabilities. - Includes quick-use resources, such as objectives and key points sections for each chapter, tip boxes with useful advice, abundant tables and images, and more than 130 updated case studies. - Evolve Educator site with an image bank is available to instructors through their Elsevier sales rep or via request at

Whittle s Gait Analysis E Book

Whittle s Gait Analysis   E Book
Author: Jim Richards,David Levine,Michael W. Whittle
Publsiher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Total Pages: 188
Release: 2022-08-28
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9780702084980

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This readable textbook offers a clear and accessible guide to the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from medical conditions that affect the way they walk. The book describes both normal and pathological gait and covers the range of simple and complex methods available to perform gait analysis. It will help the reader differentiate the gait cycle phases and pathological gait patterns, identify related factors, and direct therapy precisely. Now in its sixth edition, Whittle's Gait Analysis has been fully updated by a small team of expert contributors to include the latest thinking on methods of gait analysis and its role in the clinic, making it an ideal text for undergraduate students through to practising allied health professionals. - Highly accessible, readable, and logically sequenced – suitable for undergraduates - Covers gait and clinical considerations around functional difficulties in people with neurological and musculoskeletal disorders - Summary/study aid boxes to support learning - Online resources containing supplementary content for Chapter 1, video clips, 3D animations, gait data supported by MCQs, and 30 cases studies - Chapter on running gait, including the biomechanics of running, common running-related injuries, and clinical considerations - Expanded chapter on neurological conditions

Practicing Primary Health Care in Nursing Caring for Populations

Practicing Primary Health Care in Nursing  Caring for Populations
Author: Lewenson,Marie Truglio-Londrigan
Publsiher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Total Pages: 237
Release: 2016-01-20
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9781284078107

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Practicing Primary Health Care in Nursing: Caring for Populations is a new innovative text examines the broad definition of “primary health care”, and incorporating a nursing perspective with a global and population-based focus. This book presents the enduring relationship that nurses have had in pioneering primary health care with a population-based, inter-intra/professional, and global perspective. Important Notice: the digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.”.

Textbook of Running Medicine

Textbook of Running Medicine
Author: Francis G. O'Connor,Robert P. Wilder,Robert Nirschl
Publsiher: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
Total Pages: 728
Release: 2001
Genre: Medical
ISBN: UOM:39015053382787

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*The most comprehensive book available on running injuries *Presents both general and specialized principles, diagnosis, and treatment options*Offers extensive injury management strategies*Review associated medical problems, rehabilitation guidelines, surgical considerations, and more.