El caso Alaska Sanders The Alaska Sanders Affair

El caso Alaska Sanders   The Alaska Sanders Affair
Author: Joël Dicker
Publsiher: National Geographic Books
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022-11-22
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9788420462127

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Por fin, la esperada continuación del fenómeno La verdad sobre el caso Harry Quebert. Más de 15 millones de lectores. PREMIO GONCOURT DES LYCÉENS - GRAN PREMIO DE NOVELA DE LA ACADEMIA FRANCESA- PREMIO LIRE - PREMIO QUE LEER - PREMIO SAN CLEMENTE - PREMIO INTERNACIONAL ALICANTE NOIR «Sé lo que has hecho». Este mensaje, encontrado en el bolsillo del pantalón de Alaska Sanders, cuyo cadáver apareció el 3 de abril de 1999 al borde del lago de Mount Pleasant, una pequeña localidad de New Hampshire, es la clave de la nueva y apasionante investigación que, once años después de poner entre rejas a sus presuntos culpables, vuelve a reunir al escritor Marcus Goldman y al sargento Perry Gahalowood. En esta Ocasión contarán con la inestimable ayuda de una joven agente de policía, Lauren Donovan, empeñada en resolver la trama de secretos que se esconde tras el caso. A medida que vayan descubriendo quién era realmente Alaska Sanders, irán resurgiendo también los fantasmas del pasado y, entre ellos, especialmente el de Harry Quebert. Una nueva intriga literariamente adictiva, con la estructura en varios tiempos, las vueltas de tuerca y el ritmo trepidante que son el sello inconfundible de Joël Dicker, «un fenómeno planetario» (Babelia). ENGLISH DESCRIPTION At last, the long-awaited sequel of The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair. More than 15 million readers. PRIX GONCOURT DES LYCÉENS FOR BEST NOVEL BY THE FRENCH ACADEMY. THE LIRE PRIZE. WHAT TO READ AWARD. SAN CLEMENTE PRIZE. INTERNATIONAL NOIR PRIZE OF ALICANTE. “I know what you’ve done.” This message, found in Alaska Sanders’ pants, whose body was discovered April 3, 1999, at the edge of a lake in Mount Pleasant, a small New Hampshire town, is key to the new exciting investigation that reunites writer Marcus Goldman and Sargent Perry Gahalowood eleven years after putting the alleged perpetrator behind bars. On this occasion they will have the precious assistance of a young policewoman, Lauren Donovan, determined to untangle the web of secrets behind the case. As they find out who Alaska Sanders truly was, other ghosts from the past will resurface as well, and among them, Harry Quebert. A new addictive literary intrigue set in various times, with the unmistakable twists and fast pace of Joël Dicker, “a global phenomenon” (Babelia).

The Alaska Sanders Affair

The Alaska Sanders Affair
Author: Joël Dicker
Publsiher: Hachette UK
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2024-09-12
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9781529433838

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The murder of Alaska Sanders was quickly solved. Within days, two suspects were identified. One died, the other pleaded guilty. Case closed. But, eleven years later, the death of another woman in a fast-food parking lot changes everything. Marcus Goldman, celebrity author and amateur investigator, picks up a thread that will unravel not only an open and shut case, but the very fabric of his best friend's life. Sergeant Perry Gahalowood, who led the original investigation, is hell-bent on setting the record straight. Teaming up with Marcus, he seeks redemption in most the intricate and testing case of his career. In this sequel to the phenomenal worldwide bestseller The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair, Joël Dicker delivers the last word in slow-burn police procedurals. Clue by clue, witness by witness, question by question, his characters solve an unguessable puzzle that could only have been set by the master of the plot twist. Translated from the French by Robert Bonnono

Il caso Alaska Sanders

Il caso Alaska Sanders
Author: Joël Dicker
Publsiher: La Nave di Teseo Editore spa
Total Pages: 514
Release: 2022-05-23T00:00:00+02:00
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9788834610596

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Aprile 1999. Mount Pleasant, una tranquilla cittadina del New Hampshire, è sconvolta da un omicidio. Il corpo di una giovane donna, Alaska Sanders, viene trovato in riva a un lago. L’inchiesta è rapidamente chiusa, la polizia ottiene la confessione del colpevole, che si uccide subito dopo, e del suo complice. Undici anni più tardi, però, il caso si riapre. Il sergente Perry Gahalowood, che all’epoca si era occupato delle indagini, riceve un inquietante messaggio anonimo. E se avesse seguito una falsa pista? L’aiuto del suo amico scrittore Marcus Goldman, che ha appena ottenuto un enorme successo con il romanzo La verità sul caso Harry Quebert, ispirato dalla loro comune esperienza con un altro crimine, sarà ancora una volta fondamentale per scoprire la verità. Ma c’è un mistero nel mistero: la scomparsa del suo mentore Harry Quebert. I fantasmi del passato ritornano e, fra di essi, quello di Harry Quebert.

O caso Alaska Sanders

O caso Alaska Sanders
Author: Joël Dicker
Publsiher: Editora Intrinseca
Total Pages: 708
Release: 2022-09-16
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9786555603569

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Autor do aclamado A verdade sobre o caso Harry Quebert retoma personagens de seu maior sucesso em novo suspense de tirar o fôlego Abril de 1999.A pacífica cidade de Mount Pleasant, em New Hampshire, é devastada por um assassinato: o corpo de Alaska Sanders, uma jovem de 22 anos, é encontrado à beira de um lago, ao lado do cadáver de um urso-negro. O que à primeira vista parecia um grotesco ataque animal se revela um homicídio, e, a despeito da comoção generalizada, a questão é solucionada em poucos dias. Onze anos depois, o sargento Perry Gahalowood, um dos encarregados da investigação na época, está vivendo um dos piores momentos de sua vida quando recebe uma perturbadora carta anônima. O conteúdo da mensagem faz Gahalowood questionar tudo que pensava saber sobre o caso ocorrido uma década antes. Teria ele seguido uma pista falsa? Teria, então, chegado a uma conclusão equivocada? Quem o faz cogitar a possibilidade é seu amigo Marcus Goldman, alçado ao estrelato após a publicação de A verdade sobre o caso Harry Quebert. Diante de tantas incertezas e agitação, os dois resolvem investigar o que de fato estaria por trás da morte de Alaska Sanders e logo fica evidente que o cenário que se descortina é muito mais complexo do que parecera anos antes. Somente unindo forças Gahalowood e Goldman terão alguma chance de descobrir a verdade. Após o estrondoso sucesso dos últimos livros, especialmente de A verdade sobre o caso Harry Quebert, Joël Dicker retorna ao universo metaficcional de seus principais personagens, demonstrando novamente sua maestria para criar uma trama instigante e repleta de reviravoltas. O caso Alaska Sandersé Dicker em sua melhor forma.

L Affaire Alaska Sanders

L Affaire Alaska Sanders
Author: Joël Dicker
Publsiher: Rosie Wolfe
Total Pages: 754
Release: 2022-03-10
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9782889730018

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La suite de Harry Quebert Avril 1999. Mount Pleasant, une paisible bourgade du New Hampshire, est bouleversée par un meurtre. Le corps d'une jeune femme, Alaska Sanders, est retrouvé au bord d'un lac. L'enquête est rapidement bouclée, la police obtenant les aveux du coupable et de son complice. Onze ans plus tard, l'affaire rebondit. Le sergent Perry Gahalowood, de la police d'État du New Hampshire, persuadé d'avoir élucidé le crime à l'époque, reçoit une troublante lettre anonyme. Et s'il avait suivi une fausse piste ? L'aide de son ami l'écrivain Marcus Goldman, qui vient de remporter un immense succès avec La Vérité sur l'Affaire Harry Quebert, inspiré de leur expérience commune, ne sera pas de trop pour découvrir la vérité.

The Truth About The Harry Quebert Affair

The Truth About The Harry Quebert Affair
Author: Joël Dicker
Publsiher: Harper Collins
Total Pages: 656
Release: 2014-05-20
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9781443435659

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August 30, 1975. The day of the disappearance. The day Aurora, New Hampshire, lost its innocence. That summer Harry Quebert fell in love with fifteen-year-old Nola Kellergan. Thirty-three years later, her body is dug up from his yard along with a manuscript copy of his career-defining novel. Quebert is the only suspect. Marcus Goldman—Quebert's most gifted protege—throws off his writer's block to clear his mentor's name. Solving the case and penning a new bestseller soon blur together. As his book begins to take on a life of its own, the nation is gripped by the mystery of “The Girl Who Touched the Heart of America”. But with Nola, in death as in life, nothing is ever as it seems. Joel Dicker's phenomenal European bestseller is a brilliantly intricate murder mystery, a hymn to the boundless reaches of the imagination, and a love story like no other. Nothing you've read or even felt before can prepare you for The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair.

Die Aff re Alaska Sanders

Die Aff  re Alaska Sanders
Author: Joël Dicker
Publsiher: Piper ebooks
Total Pages: 724
Release: 2023-06-01
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9783492604161

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Endlich - die Fortsetzung von Joël Dickers Weltbestseller »Die Wahrheit über den Fall Harry Quebert« April 1999. Im friedlichen Mount Pleasant an der amerikanischen Ostküste wird die Leiche der jungen Alaska Sanders geborgen. Die Geständnisse eines Verdächtigen und seines Komplizen genügen, um die Ermittlungen zu einem raschen Erfolg zu führen. Juni 2010. Sergeant Perry Gahalowood, der seinerzeit von der Schuld des Verdächtigen restlos überzeugt war, erhält anonym eine verstörende Nachricht. Was, wenn er damals die falsche Fährte verfolgt hat? Gemeinsam mit seinem Freund, dem Schriftsteller Marcus Goldman, dessen Erfolg »Die Wahrheit über den Fall Harry Quebert« vor der Verfilmung steht, rollt er den Fall neu auf – und fördert Details aus Alaskas Vergangenheit zutage, die die damaligen Ereignisse in ein völlig anderes Licht rücken ... »Eine großartige Fortsetzung, überbordend, sehr böse und virtuos. Lassen Sie sich drauf ein!« Le Parisien weekend


Author: Jens Dahl
Publsiher: IWGIA
Total Pages: 209
Release: 2009
Genre: Human rights
ISBN: 9788791563522

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Traces the founding of IWGIA (International Work Group for Indigenous People) in 1968 and its subsequent development into a professional organization concerned with human rights activities, empowerment projects, publishing and information dissemination, etc.