Spiritual Israel the Butchering of YAHUAH s Word

Spiritual Israel the Butchering of YAHUAH s Word
Author: Unknown Hebrew
Publsiher: Unknown Hebrew
Total Pages: 74
Release: 2019-07-30
Genre: History
ISBN: 9781951476656

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Did you know that the term "Spiritual Israel" was a term used in 1958 by Pope Pius XI? He believed anyone, any race of people that believes in our Messiah, is a Semite. This is a lie. You cannot find the term "Spiritual Israel" in the scriptures. We are talking about a bloodline of a specific people chosen by YAHUAH. Here is your answer for "Spiritual Israel." Let us start in the book of Romans 9:1-3, which reads, "I say the truth in YAHUSHUA, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Ruach Ha'Kodesh, 2 That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. 3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from YAHUSHUA for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh. Paul was from the tribe of Benjamin; he tells us that in the book of Romans 11:1 reads, "I say then, Hath YAHUAH cast away his people? ELOHIM forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin." Reread Romans 9:3; the reader can see that Paul tells you it is according to the flesh. There is no Spiritual Israel; again, this is a bloodline.

Baptism Unto Remembrance

Baptism Unto Remembrance
Author: Unknown Hebrew
Publsiher: Unknown Hebrew
Total Pages: 101
Release: 2019-07-26
Genre: Bibles
ISBN: 9781951476458

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Did you know the Old Testament animal sacrifices were utterly unable to atone for our sins? YAHUSHUA's death would have been entirely unnecessary if they could do so. ELOHIM provided instructions to the Israelites in the book of Leviticus on how they were to offer sacrifices for their sins. Blood needed to be spilled in order for the sacrifices to be accomplished. In the Tanakh (Old Testament) it was done with animals; in the Brit Hadasha (New Testament) it was YAHUSHUA Ha Mashiach that was the ultimate sacrifice. ELOHIM wants us to realize that sin costs something; it cost the life of His Son. In the book of Leviticus chapter 16, it talks about the Day of Atonement and it tells us how a sacrifice is needed for sins. If we look at Leviticus 17:11; it reads, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” Thousands of animals were being sacrificed, and it seem to have little or no effect in their behavior. ELOHIM was allowing the animal’s life to be a substitute; it is symbolically dying in our place and the biblical word for this is atonement.The ritual was to make things right between Israel and YAHUAH, and more than that, the Israelites experienced YAHUAH’s love and grace through these sacrifices; that was the ideal, but it was not always happening. Isaiah, for example talks a lot about this; he says that the continual sacrifices of the Israelites had become meaningless, because they were also allowing great evil in their midst ignoring the poor, and the oppressed. In Isaiah 1:13 YAHUAH tells us, “Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.” Isaiah told of a day when a king from the line of David would come and deal with evil. This king would become a servant; not only serving but also suffering and dying for the evil committed by the Israelites. His life would be offered as a sacrifice. YAHUSHUA used Isaiah’s words when He said in Matthew 20:28, “Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” The word “ransom” refers to His sacrifice of atonement. YAHUSHUA is the perfect sacrifice; it stopped the practice of animal sacrifices and they were given new rituals one of which was called, baptism. Baptism is the sacred ritual that joins our story to YAHUSHUA’s death. In this book we will examine what baptism unto remembrance was all about; we will look into Job and explain sin and repentance in great detail. Scroll up and click the Buy Button to discover all the details inside this book.

What Every Hebrew Needs to Know about Shavuot

What Every Hebrew Needs to Know about Shavuot
Author: Unknown Hebrew
Publsiher: Unknown Hebrew
Total Pages: 117
Release: 2020-05-19
Genre: History
ISBN: 9781951476687

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Did you know that Shavuot is one of the essential Feast Days for Hebrews to celebrate? Most Hebrews do not realize this; consequently, they choose to undervalue its importance. If you would like to learn more, then continue reading. Shavuot is also referred to as Pentecost, Feast of Week, and Firstfruits; it was the day when YAHUAH poured out a Spirit (the Ruach Ha'Qodesh) in an amazing manner that is recorded in the book of Act 2. However, most are unaware of all the facts; this day was not a new Biblical celebration or festival date; it was celebrated by the Israelites long before it became known as Pentecost. Explore with us the awe-inspiring events that happen on this exact day, including The day after Passover to the giving of the law on Mount Sinai. Again, this happened on the exact day; this type of irony does not happen by chance. YAHUAH had a reason for orchestrating these events on the same day. But wait! There is more. We will show you other biblical events that have taken place on this day that will cause you to stop and ponder. Every biblical festival celebrated had a prophetic purpose; if you want to discover more of what this book has to offer, click the buy now button and find out why this day is to be celebrated.

Symbolic Meaning of Water Baptism

Symbolic Meaning of Water Baptism
Author: Unknown Hebrew
Publsiher: Unknown Hebrew
Total Pages: 100
Release: 2019-07-23
Genre: History
ISBN: 9781951476540

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When we hear the word "Baptism," we first think about water; many religions use it as a sign of faith. Did you realize that the word "Baptism" means more than water? At the beginning of YAHUSHUA's earthly ministry, YAHUAH sent John the Baptist to the nation of Israel to call that nation to repentance. Read Matthew 3:11, which states, “11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Ruach Ha’Kodesh, and with fire.” John baptized the nation of Israel with water; he said that YAHUSHUA would come and baptize them with the Ruach Ha’Kodesh (Holy Ghost) and with fire. There are many types of "Baptisms" in the Bible, but what is the significance of the “water?” Why is it necessary for the “water” to be “living water?” Do we need a repentant heart before we are immersed? These are a few of the questions that will be answered. If you want to “deep” dive into the “Symbolic meaning of Water Baptism,” consider scrolling up and clicking the “Buy Now” button to begin the journey.

What Is the Gospel

What Is the Gospel
Author: Unknown Hebrew
Publsiher: Unknown Hebrew
Total Pages: 29
Release: 2019-07-07
Genre: History
ISBN: 9781951476694

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Do you know what the Gospel is all about? Many teach that the Gospel is about a man who walked this earth; he lived and died for others' transgressions. However, the Gospel means good news. We have many Christians saying all you have to do is believe that he lived and died for your sins and nothing more. Let us unpack this misunderstanding and get to the truth. From the time of the Messiah to our modern technological age, much of the Bible has been lost. Are you ready to discover the truth? What exactly is at the heart of YAHUSHUA's teaching about the Gospel? What did the Apostles mean when they spoke and wrote of the Gospel? As with many other traditions, what you may have been led to believe about the Gospel has been oversimplified, with key details left out. As a result, you are left with an incomplete perception. The challenge is for you to crack open this book, along with the Bible compare what you heard with what you read in the Scriptures. Do not take our word for anything we teach, but prove it yourself from your own Bible. The Apostle Paul's command in 1st Thessalonians 5:21 is to "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." That means everything should be studied for accuracy and legitimacy. Once you have proven it, then accept it and live it. If you are looking for more profound knowledge, then scroll up and click the add to cart button and join the many others who have enjoyed this book.

The Chosen Seed

The Chosen Seed
Author: Unknown Hebrew
Publsiher: Unknown Hebrew
Total Pages: 163
Release: 2019-12-20
Genre: History
ISBN: 9781951476465

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The Israelites are His “chosen” people, blessed to be the ones through whom the only Redeemer came. Throughout the Scriptures, this is confirmed; look at what it says in 1st Peter 2:9, which states, “9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." We are the “Apple of His eye,” Israel; we are always on His mind. From the beginning, the message was clear; we are a “chosen,” predestined people before the world's creation. Ephesians 1:11, we are told, “11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will.” We have a purpose, a specific aim of bringing the message of the one true ELOHIM; to be a light unto the world. We are here to gather the lost sheep of Israel to continue the Messiah's work. To discover more about His “chosen,” consider clicking the “Buy Now” bottom and prepare to learn the truth.

The Two Wives

The Two Wives
Author: Unknown Hebrew
Publsiher: Unknown Hebrew
Total Pages: 18
Release: 2019-07-18
Genre: History
ISBN: 9781951476779

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Have you ever heard the saying, "A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand?" Throughout history, we have seen this happen time and time again. With the simple idea in mind that if you divide a nation from within, it will fall.Israel was a nation that dwelt safely within its land; until King Solomon went after idols and married women who worshiped other gods.That was the beginning of the fall in the division of the Kingdom of Israel. From that moment forward, YAHUAH started a series of events that resulted in the Kingdom being removed from King Solomon; Since then, we have had a history of these Kingdoms being broken off and going their separate ways, with Judah being found faithful to the covenant of YAHUAH and Israel being found wayward and going after idolatry and going after idols.Take a look at 1st Kings 11:11, which reads, "Wherefore YAHUAH said unto Solomon, Forasmuch as this is done of thee, and thou hast not kept my covenant and my statutes, which I have commanded thee, I will surely rend the kingdom from thee, and will give it to thy servant."Disobedience to this covenant in this "law" that YAHUAH gave us will bring peace and obedience or division and rebellion. At the end of days, YAHUAH promises that these two Kingdoms will no longer be separated. In the future, the House of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel, the "two wives" will become one house again under the Messiah.

The Original Bible Diet

The Original Bible Diet
Author: Unknown Hebrew
Publsiher: Unknown Hebrew
Total Pages: 68
Release: 2020-08-19
Genre: History
ISBN: 9781951476670

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Have you ever heard the saying, "You are what you eat?" What you eat is extremely important, and that has never changed.Here, we will examine the Original Bible Diet and explore the following;What is it? What does it mean? What makes it kosher? "Kosher" in Hebrew means fit, correct, or proper.The set of dietary laws dictates not only what foods can be eaten but how they need to be prepared, and it also tells us what foods can be eaten together. However, there is more to it; the laws of Kashrut go back thousands of years; it was written in the Torah, and it describes: Which type of animals can be eaten, How that animal is to be prepared for consumption, What parts of the animal can be eaten.Here we go in-depth, we not only look at what is considered clean and unclean, but we also look at what is considered food according to the Bible. We look at the biblical reasons why certain foods we should not consume, and we back that up with scientific facts for those requiring more than YAHUAH's word.Explore this book and find out in detail why YAHUAH instructed us to stay away from certain foods.The biblical facts are presented to you in such a way that the truth can not be denied; the truth is the truth. This is an amazing book with so much information that you can not help but fully understand the importance of following YAHUAH's instructions. There is so much here; you will not be disappointed.